You are reading the third part of the multi part series to Setup NAS on Raspberry Pi.
Part 1: Motivation
Part 2: Bake the Pi
Part 3: Install OpenMediaVault
Part 4: Setup OpenMediaVault (coming soon...)
Part 3: Install OpenMediaVault
First thing first we need to make sure Raspberry PI is up to date.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
Sit tight this is gonna take some a little bit.
Now we can run the following command to download the OpenMediatVaulty install script and pipe it directly through to bash. This script will install everthing need to run OpenMediaVault on the Raspberry Pi.
sudo wget -O - | sudo bash
This script will do ton of packages that the OpenMediaVault software requires. So keep your coffee or poison ready. ☕☕☕
After installation is done if you did not get disconnected from Raspberry Pi then you might wanna restart the Pi manually.
sudo reboot
Step 4: Setup OpenMediaVault
As in previous step you have restarted the Raspberry Pi which result in new IP address got assigned to the device. So you need to find the through home router.
Now let's configure OpenMediaVault.
Open your favorite browser and enter the below address.
You might see login screen something like below or something different as per the version of OpenMediaVault you've got.
Below are default credentials:
username: admin
password: openmediavault
Once you logged in you should be landed on Dashboard page.
That is it for this part you can continue with the reading the rest of parts.
Part 1: Motivation
Part 2: Bake the Pi
Part 3: Install OpenMediaVault
Part 4: Setup OpenMediaVault (coming soon...)
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