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Configuring a perfect editor for frontend development

I've seen a lot of tweets recently that basically state that vim is not suitable for frontend development. So I decided to do a small overview of my setup(I'm mostly a frontend developer although I do some backend and devops stuff as well).

My setup

You can find all configuration and instructions on how to install it in my github repo:

GitHub logo gko / vimio

🎩 easy to install/use vim settings

Vim Settings


An article describing key features of this config.


In order to get all features you might want to install following packages:


On unix and windows(with bash which can be installed with git):

curl -L | bash
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In macOS don't forget to check the «Use option as meta key»:


And «Esc+» option in iterm2:



Some of shortcuts(Leader key is comma):

  • Ctrl + s saves current file
  • Leader + s in both select and normal mode initiates search and replace
  • Alt + Up/Down moves line or selection above or below current line(see upside-down for more info)
  • Alt + Left/Right moves character or selection to left or to the right
  • Leader + n toggles NERDTree
  • Leader + m shows current file in NERDTree
  • when in select mode ', ", ( wraps selection accordingly
  • y

File structure

The main file is init.vim that is symlinked to .vimrc during the installation. All the configuration scripts are stored in after/plugin/*.vim. This way I can just add another script to that folder(with a name of a plugin for instance) and it will be automatically loaded during vim startup. It also helps me to keep things modular.


I should point out right away that perfect editor doesn't exist or at least it's different for everyone.

Why vim

I think there are many great editors and IDEs out there but there is one thing among others that stands out if you're using vim: you don't switch environment. So if you're in terminal and you've cloned a project, once you open it you're still in terminal. Even if you quit vim you're still in the same environment. For me, that's the most important thing about using vim(beside many other things, obviously).

With that out of the way let's take a look at some key features of my config.

Opening a project

In my mind any project is strongly linked with a repository(except monorepos of course), so when I open any file in a repository I want my editor to go to the root of the project(i.e. where the .git folder is located). There is a plugin for that:

GitHub logo airblade / vim-rooter

Changes Vim working directory to project root.

It goes through parent folders until it finds a repo, or your custom file or folder pattern that you can configure.

GitHub logo mhinz / vim-startify

🔗 The fancy start screen for Vim.

will help me quickly go back to recent projects.

Opening a file


I use fzf and ctrlp extensions.
The second one has also a ctrlb shortcut to switch between buffers.

In future I would like to use only fzf

Also with this plugin:

GitHub logo wsdjeg / vim-fetch

Make Vim handle line and column numbers in file names with a minimum of fuss

I can open a certain line, for instance:
vim ~/.vimrc:123
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will open line 123 of .vimrc file.

Opening file in the browser

Sometimes when you have a file opened you want to quickly jump to a Web version(for instance to leave a comment). For this I use the following plugin:

GitHub logo ruanyl / vim-gh-line

vim plugin that open the link of current line on github

The main shortcuts are:

  • Leadergh — open file in the browser(current revision)
  • Leadergb — open blame view for current file
  • Leadergo — open repository in the browser

Please note, that if you use it in visual mode, it will automatically highlight selected line(s).

Sharing code via Carbon

Carbon is a code sharing website, that adds swag to it. To share selection(if you're in visual mode) or the whole file I use following vim extension:

GitHub logo kristijanhusak / vim-carbon-now-sh

Open selected text in

Here's my Carbon config:

let g:carbon_now_sh_options = {
\  'ln': 'true',
\  'bg': 'rgba(74,144,226,1)',
\  't': 'night-owl',
\  'wt': 'none',
\  'ds': 'true',
\  'dsyoff': '20px',
\  'dsblur': '68px',
\  'wc': 'true',
\  'wa': 'true',
\  'pv': '56px',
\  'ph': '56px',
\  'fm': 'Fira Code',
\  'fs': '14.5px',
\  'lh': '141%',
\  'si': 'false',
\  'es': '2x',
\  'wm': 'false'
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To configure vim to change indentation rules per project I use:

GitHub logo editorconfig / editorconfig-vim

EditorConfig plugin for Vim

To search text within all files and replace it I use ripgrep that is supported natively in fzf extension(Rg command):

GitHub logo junegunn / fzf.vim

fzf ❤️ vim

Taking notes with vim

I recently wrote a post about how to configure vim to quickly take notes:

I can add following plugin to that article:

GitHub logo MattesGroeger / vim-bookmarks

Vim bookmark plugin

It allows you to bookmark anything anywhere(even in NERDTree).

Color themes

By default I use:

GitHub logo cormacrelf / vim-colors-github

A Vim colorscheme based on Github's syntax highlighting as of 2018.

But I also installed the base16(this is a fork, due to some problems with the original repo) themes and configured vim so that it looks into ~/.vimrc_background file and takes current base16 theme from there:

" set colorscheme
" if you have base16 installed take that colorscheme
    if filereadable(expand("~/.vimrc_background"))
        let base16colorspace=256
        source ~/.vimrc_background
        let g:airline_theme='base16'
        colorscheme github

        hi! link SignColumn LineNr

        let g:airline_theme = "github"
catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E185/
    colorscheme default
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This way vim stays consistent with terminal theme.


For autocompletion I use coc.nvim.

It's based on the same language server as vscode.


By default you won't have an autocompletion in javascript. To enforce typescript to enable autocompletion within javascript you have to add:

// @ts-check
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At the top of the file. In my setup I have
a templates folder that contains predefined templates for new files(config can be found in templates.vim). So once I create new js file it already contains that comment.

Jumping between files

Coc already provides different shortcuts to jump to function definition and what not:

nmap <silent> gd <Plug>(coc-definition)
nmap <silent> gy <Plug>(coc-type-definition)
nmap <silent> gi <Plug>(coc-implementation)
nmap <silent> gr <Plug>(coc-references)
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However vim provides a magic shortcut gf that allows you to jump to a file under cursor. The magic is that you can alter it's behavior per file type. For instance, in javascript we want to use the following algorithm to resolve the file:

  1. Check file locally
  2. If it doesn't exist check file in node_modules
  3. If it exists and it is a folder check the package.json for main field. If it is present open it.
  4. If the main field is not there check for index.js

You can find the implementation in the after/ftplugin/javascript.vim file.


For linting I use Ale(config — ale.vim):

GitHub logo dense-analysis / ale

Check syntax in Vim asynchronously and fix files, with Language Server Protocol (LSP) support

and prettier to autoformat:

GitHub logo prettier / vim-prettier

A Vim plugin for Prettier


Here I highlighted key features of my configuration. I encourage you to go check the full list of extensions that I use in the init.vim file and the configuration scripts in the after/plugin/ folder. I listed all the file types and commands for every extension explicitly so that there is nothing that fires up randomly.

Top comments (5)

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair • Edited

I'm not sure of this vim-fetch thing.

vim ~/.vimrc:123

is doing what

vim ~/.vimrc +123

already does.

Looking at the repo, the author says it's to support log formats that would otherwise have to go through a "rather convoluted detour through an error file and the Quickfix window." but that's exactly how most people use it, as far as I know. That's what the quickfix window is for, so you can easily jump between errors. You don't usually paste in a line from an error log to the command arguments themselves.

konstantin profile image

Yes, but I wanted to support .vimrc:123 format because it is often used in errors of eslint, jest and other js tooling, so I can just jump to error line straight away after opening file in question without changing format.

codenutt profile image

We use alot of the same tools. Thanks for sharing!

caruso profile image
Giuseppe Caruso

Why using ALE when COC.nvim also has a linter and errors highlighted?
BTW, thanks for the super informative article.

konstantin profile image

Thank you 🙏

I think it was due to that it supports only eslint and I was trying to make a generic config for multiple languages (ALE supports a lot of linters).