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Python and Headless: How to make interactive, adaptable, affordable reports

In this article, I'll show you how to pull data from a headless CMS and create a content type report using the Python framework: Dash.

Seeing is believing

I am a visual learner. I really appreciate when a graph or diagram accompanies data, or when a visual aid gets to "the point" in a presentation. Not everyone is as much of a fan of charts as I am, but representing data visually is universally helpful. For example, which is easier to understand in a presentation:

these side-by-side numbers: 101 | 443 | 102 | 320 | 82


this graph:

Sample visual learning graphic

With just the delimited list of numbers, you don't get a good idea of how the values compare to one another. The graph makes differences and similarities more obvious.

Let's say that you are a new manager or member of a marketing team that uses a headless CMS to produce content. Knowing what types of content the team has been producing will be useful for better understanding their current content strategy. However, when you are looking at content models in a headless CMS, you're normally met with a long running list of names and numbers:

Kontent content type listing

To assess the kinds of content in the project, you're forced to scan the entire content type listing and mentally compare the values. Without a visual aid, it's hard to tell what topics are prevalent in your project. Furthermore, once you've finished your analysis, you can't easily share your findings with other members of your team. Making them believe your analysis is correct is much easier with a visual report.

But what if you don't have the time or resources to integrate a commercial reporting tool into your project? Luckily, there are open source frameworks and libraries for building web analytic applications, like Dash.

What is Dash?

Dash is framework built upon the popular Plotly graphing library, that allows you to build interactive visual applications and render them in a browser. Although it uses JavaScript libraries behind the scenes, Dash apps are written purely in Python and don't require familiarity with JavaScript.

If you know some Python, Dash is well suited to create reports from headless CMS data because it supports a wide variety of well-documented graph types, and the open-source edition is completely free.

How to create a report from a headless CMS

Let's create a content report using the Kentico Kontent headless CMS, the open source Kontent Python SDK, and Dash.

In our sample scenario, we'll create three reports about a coffee shop website, and aggregate them in a tabbed report.

Sample tabbed report

In our report we want to show:

  • what type of content exists in the project
  • the audiences our articles are targeting
  • the timeline showing when they were published.

These reports will give us more insight into the "who, what, when" strategy surrounding our previously published articles.

Application setup

First we need to install Dash, our SDK, and dependencies. I recommend that you do this in a virtual environment. In the terminal run:

  1. pip install dash
  2. pip install kontent_delivery
  3. pip install pandas

Alternatively, you can download and then install this requirements.txt using pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt.

By the end of the exercise, we will have a file structure that looks like this:

kontent-dash-blog (root)/
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Dash and Kontent Initialization

Once we've installed the requirements, we need to:

  • setup our Flask application for running Dash
  • initialize our Kontent SDK delivery client using our Kontent project ID
  • setup some methods to build our three reports

We'll do this in a file called and create it in the root of the project:

import dash
import flask
from kontent_delivery.client import DeliveryClient
# report methods
from reports.content_types import build_types_chart
from reports.personas import build_personas_pie
from reports.article_timeline import build_post_timeline

external_stylesheets = ['']

# dash
server = flask.Flask(__name__)
app = dash.Dash(server=server, external_stylesheets=external_stylesheets)

# kontent
client = DeliveryClient("your_Kontent_Project_ID")

# custom methods to create reports
bar = build_types_chart(client)
pie = build_personas_pie(client)
timeline = build_post_timeline(client)
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Report 1: bar chart showing content types

In this chart, we'll call the Kontent API and count how many content types exist of a given type. We'll create the file in a reports directory:

import as px

def build_types_chart(client):
    type_response = client.get_content_types()
    item_response = client.get_content_items()

    types = {}

    # add Kontent type counts to a dictionary
    for content_type in type_response.types:
        types[content_type.codename] = 0

    # increment content type count per item of respective type
    for item in item_response.items:
        types[item.content_type] += 1 

    data = {"content types":types.keys(), "count": types.values()}

    fig =, x="content types", y="count")

    return fig
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In the build_types_chart method, we create key value pairs from the codename of our content types, and a count of how many items are published of that type. With that data, we use Plotly Express to create and return a bar graph to our Dash application.

Content types bar chart

Report 2: pie chart showing article personas

In our second chart, we want to show what percentage of personas our article content targets. Let's assume we know that the article content type uses a taxonomy group called personas:

Kontent taxonomy group

We'll create the file in the reports directory:

from import Filter
import as px

def build_personas_pie(client):
    # only return "article" content items
    item_response = client.get_content_items(
        Filter("system.type", "[eq]", "article")

    # get the taxonomy group that articles use
    personas_response = client.get_taxonomy("personas")
    chart_personas = {}

    # identify personas to be counted
    def get_taxonomy_terms(terms):
        for persona in terms:
            chart_personas[] = 0
            if persona.terms:


    # increment persona count per item
    for item in item_response.items:
        for persona in item.elements.personas.value:
            chart_personas[] += 1 

    data = {"personas":chart_personas.keys(), "count": chart_personas.values()}

    fig = px.pie(data, names="personas", values="count",
                title='Assigned article personas')
    return fig
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In the build_personas_pie method, we pull all of our article content items. We then create key value pairs from the name of taxonomy terms that exist in our Personas taxonomy group, and a count of how many items are tagged with a particular term. With that data, we use Plotly Express to create and return a pie graph to our Dash application.

Personas pie chart

Report 3: timeline showing date posted

Information about when these articles were published could provide more context about what our content strategy was previously, or how it changed over time. Let's assume we have a "posted date" element on our articles that we can use to create our timeline:

Kontent content item posted date

We'll create the file in the reports directory:

from import Filter
import pandas as pd
import as px

def build_post_timeline(client):
    # only return "article" content items
    item_response = client.get_content_items(
        Filter("system.type", "[eq]", "article")

    # setup two arrays for Plotly scatter
    chart_items = []
    chart_post_date = []

    # populate arrays with respective item name and post date
    for item in item_response.items:

    df = pd.DataFrame(dict(item=chart_items, post_date=chart_post_date))

    # use column names of df for the different parameters x, y, ...
    fig = px.scatter(df, x="post_date", y="item",
                    title="Article post timeline",
                    labels={"Post Date":"Date item posted"} # customize axis label

    return fig
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Like the other methods, we retrieve the article items from Kontent, but in this example we take an extra step to convert two arrays into a dictionary and pass them into a pandas DataFrame. This is only for the sake of matching the basic dot plot example in the Plotly documentation.

Dash timeline report

Tying it all together in a tabbed report with Dash

It's time to pull all the visual aids together in a single report and add some interactivity with Dash. We created the file earlier to add the Kontent client and our chart building methods, and now we'll add a layout with some interactive components:

# ... other imports from before
# add these for components:
import dash_html_components as html
import dash_core_components as dcc
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output

external_stylesheets = ['']

# dash
server = flask.Flask(__name__)
app = dash.Dash(server=server, external_stylesheets=external_stylesheets)

# kontent
client = DeliveryClient(config.project_id, options=config.delivery_options)

bar = build_types_chart(client)
pie = build_personas_pie(client)
timeline = build_post_timeline(client)

# -- end of "Dash and Kontent Initialization" code --

# -- start of "Tying it all together..." code --

# adding the dash layout
app.layout = html.Div([
    # dash tabs component that wraps individual tabs
    dcc.Tabs(id='tabs-example', value='tab-1', children=[
        dcc.Tab(label='Content Types', value='tab-1'),
        dcc.Tab(label='Article Personas', value='tab-2'),
        dcc.Tab(label='Article Post Timeline', value='tab-3'),
    # div used as a canvas to show reports

# onclick events that call our chart building methods
@app.callback(Output('tabs-example-content', 'children'),
              Input('tabs-example', 'value'))
def render_content(tab):
    if tab == 'tab-1':
        return html.Div([
    elif tab == 'tab-2':
        return html.Div([
    elif tab == 'tab-3':
        return html.Div([

# run the application when is called
if __name__ == '__main__':
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In the final code file of our report, we use Dash's core HTML components to create a simple two div layout. The first div contains Dash "Tab" components that we use to toggle between graphs, and the second div acts as a canvas to show the graphs we generated.

Dash report with tabs

Following the layout, we use Dash callbacks to generate a different graph depending upon which tab we click. More information about Dash's core components, including "Graph" and "Tabs" can be seen in the Dash documentation here.

At this point, you can run in your terminal and watch Dash spin up a localhost server for your newly created reporting application. Follow the link in the terminal, and VOILA! You've created your own interactive, custom report for free.

You can check out a live hosted example or the full source code on GitHub.


In this article we discussed what Dash is, and how you can use it to create interactive reports from your headless CMS data. Now you know with a little Python knowledge, and an open-source framework like Dash, you don't have to miss out on having headless CMS reports.

Want more Dash and headless samples? Check out this Dash + Kontent app for making modular content graphs.

Are you having issues with the samples from the article? Get in touch on our Discord.

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