When I wanted to write some documentation. Earlier I had used Jekyll with Github pages. Then I had to create all the stuff by hand. Now I am going to introduce Docz in 5 steps...
It's never been easier to document your things!
- Powered by Gatsby
- Zero config
- Easy to customize
- Based on MDX
- Fully pluggable
- TypeScript support
Run following commands to setup it
1. Create
npm init # Use `-y` to quick run
2. Installation
yarn add docz react react-dom
npm install docz react react-dom
3. Start dev build
yarn docz dev
npx docz dev
4. Write
write this file to
name: Hello world
route: /
# Hello world
Hello, I'm a mdx file!
5. Enjoy
open https://localhost:3001
or what else printed in console.
Visit https://www.docz.site/ for more
Follow me for more articles.
Thanks 💖💖💖
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