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Kingsley Umujeyan
Kingsley Umujeyan

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Let's talk web2 vs web3

The web was first created in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee, who wanted to create a global communication tool that would allow different computer systems to connect easily, read and save documents and at that time the internet was mostly used for academic and government purposes. This was the first iteration of the internet, the version of the internet most of us know today is web2,with web3 creeping into mainstream and with this introduction of web3,people are increasingly interested in the way,it will change the web as we know it.That is why companies like Nestcoin and Zuri are empowering developers especially in Africa with the relevant skills and knowledge to be part of those that will change the face of the web by creating programs centered on blockchain and web3 with the Blockgames as its first program.
Web2 is the version of the internet dominated by companies that provide services in exchange for your personal data while web3 in contrast refers to decentralized apps that run on the blockchain,these applications allow anyone to participate without monetizing their personal you may ask,what.s is web3 bringing to the table?here are some of the benefits of web3

  • Anyone who is in the network has permission to use the service-in other words,permission isn't required.

  • No one can block you or deny you access to the service

  • Payments are built in viz the native tokens,e.g ether

Let's make practical comparisons between web2 and web3

  • In web2, it is centralized and anyone can be censored whereas web3 is decentralized thus can not be censored as control is not controlled by an individual or companies.

  • Payment services may decide to not allow payments for certain reasons or type of work but with web3 payment applications require no personal data and can't prevent payments.

  • In web2,servers may have down time,be hacked and personal data breached or lost but web3 servers can't have downtime and cannot be hacked.
    This is not an exhaustive list since we are still scraping the surface of web3,however every phase of the internet has its limitations and web3 is not excluded

  • Scalability: Transactions are slower on web3 compared to web2 because of the decentralized nature of web3.

  • User Experience: Interacting with web3 applications would require extra steps,software and education,this could be a hurdle for its adoption

  • Accessibility: The lack of integration in modern web browsers make web3 less accessible to most users when compared to web2.

  • Cost: building and developing on web3 can be quite expensive when compared with web2 because it cost money to put a code on the blockchain.

However as more people get to know and learn more about this phase of the internet,the challenges of web3 will be overcome,interested in this new phase,you are still early,join Blockgames and kick start your blockchain development journey.

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