There are lot of ways to make image responsive.
Main property is {max-with |max-height: 100%} to the image
Also useful are {overflow:hidden}
Read about "object-fit" property. With widths, flex and grid-props you can make images responsive without media-queries and bootstraps (it is a little bit extra).
And you can use images as background-image of block (if it is for decoration purpose, isn`t important for content ) and use background-size, background-position and etc
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There are lot of ways to make image responsive.
Main property is {max-with |max-height: 100%} to the image
Also useful are {overflow:hidden}
Read about "object-fit" property. With widths, flex and grid-props you can make images responsive without media-queries and bootstraps (it is a little bit extra).
And you can use images as background-image of block (if it is for decoration purpose, isn`t important for content ) and use background-size, background-position and etc
Can you tell me in detail?
You can use CSS media queries to make anything responsive...
Checkout w3school doc about media queries here 👇
You can use a grid system with bootstrap