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Ali Spittel for Ladybug Podcast

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Why Blogging is Awesome

If you're here on DEV, you probably have some interest in blogging -- or at least reading other people's blogs! In a recent Ladybug Podcast episode, we talked about our reasons for blogging.


I started blogging as a means to take notes on things that I was learning as I was learning them. That way, I had a reference sheet that I could go back to and refer to things. For example, a regex cheat sheet. That was one of the things that I made that I could go back and refer to as time went on. I also use it as a way to teach myself, because I’m a huge proponent of the fact that if you can relay your thoughts about a topic well enough to create a blog post or create an online video or whatnot, then you’ve sufficiently learned the base level knowledge for that skill. It’s a great way to reinforce what you’ve learned.

So, I started blogging as a resource for myself. But, there are many reasons why you should blog. You can also start to blog, in order to build yourself a portfolio. It's a great resource for employers to look through if you’re applying for jobs or other opportunities.


My biggest reason is for my past self. When I was starting to code, I didn’t feel confident, and I didn’t feel like I belonged, which we talked about a little bit in our first episode. I didn’t feel like I understood the material,so I started writing resources that my past self would have found really helpful.

It’s a form of reshaping that experience. Then, other people started finding them helpful as well. For me, teaching is my passion, and blogging is another form of that. So, I blog for myself first and to write stuff that I would have benefited from in the past. But secondarily, and a really great part of it now, is that it’s helping other people learn how to code and making it easier for the people coming after me.

In-person, you can only teach a certain number of people at a time, even a big talk only usually reaches a couple of thousand people, maybe. Whereas I have singular blog posts that have 100,000 reads. That’s a huge amount of people compared to the people that you’ve taught in person. Teaching in person has like a bigger impact on those people that are there. But, this has a smaller impact on a huge amount of people, which is awesome, too


So on the opposite side of where Ali says that she blogs for her past self, I blog for my future self, for two reasons. First, I forget everything that I did yesterday. I find my own resources to be a resource for myself when I forget something. Two, in my career, I need to be a subject matter expert. I can use my own blog posts as resources to send to potential clients and to talk about in our newsletter that we send out for my agency. Som my blog posts can serve not only as a resource for potential clients but also by showing my expertise, we’ve actually signed on new clients because they read something in our blog that shows that we know what we’re talking about.

Learn more

We talked way more in-depth about our experiences blogging, as well as actionable advice for growing your blog on the Ladybug Podcast. You can listen to the full episode wherever you listen to podcasts!

Top comments (10)

cescquintero profile image
Francisco Quintero 🇨🇴

Well, I kind of blog for many of the reasons you do.

At first, I started blogging(in my native language, Spanish) to help me improve my grammar, orthography, and coherence when connecting ideas.

I blogged about any topic I found interesting writing about and also about things I learned while studying/working programming and also using Linux(Ubuntu, nowadays Linux Mint).

Sometimes I learn something new and that's something I'd blog just in case in the future that information would be useful to me or another person I could know.

This post Ver archivos ocultos en Windows, Ubuntu y Mac OS is one of the few I visited from time to time to remember how to show hidden files in OS X.

Luckily these days is just a key combo CMD + LEFT SHIFT + DOT.

I've been writing in my personal blog since 2011 and although I currently write less I still consider it a valuable activity to my personal and professional growth.


chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

The Ladybug podcast is great - you all have a great array of topics you cover that are all important and interesting - just wanted to say thanks!

fcrozetta profile image
Fernando Crozetta

When I decided to start my blog in Portuguese, I made it mainly for two reasons: To remind myself about the things I've done, and to have more information in Portuguese, since a lot of times the information is in English. In the end I just hope that someone will find the information usefull

peterwitham profile image
Peter Witham

Just love listening to the Ladybug Podcast, I find that it's nice to hear a group of people discussing topics with varying backgrounds and opinions rather than everyone drilling down on the love of a particular tech or viewpoint.


filipecsoares profile image

Some time ago I wanted to start a blog to practice my English (I still learning it) and to remind myself aboult the things I've been learning, I think this post reminded me about it.

Thanks for sharing this information!

elbugz profile image
Greg Brown

I quite enjoy blogging at times, and that is my main issue with blogging. I used to have my own "repo" ofntips and tricks, things I learned and stuff like that. I stopped blogging for a long time, over five years due to... Well, life. I am slowly starting to get back into it. Hopefully, I'll gain traction again. I'll say and you folks are some very inspirational figures and part of why I am coming back.

bbarbour profile image
Brian Barbour

I love blogging, but sometimes people can be super mean if they don't agree with something you're talking about. It's weird to me, because I've never felt the urge to interject in a post I didn't like.... I just click off of it and go onto something else.

But, that's people I guess.

carolinagiorno profile image
Carolina 🇧🇷

I've always blogged (started on Livejournal, then Blogspot, and so on) but I've never blogged about tech. I listened to this podcast episode a couple of times to gain some courage to start blogging on here, so thank you!

lautarolobo profile image
Lautaro Lobo

Lovely one in did.

marlonanthony profile image
Marlon Decosta

Enjoyed hearing you talk about this at last nights Reactadelphia.