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Tracy Lee | ladyleet
Tracy Lee | ladyleet

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I'm Tracy Lee, a RxJS Core Team member and Google Developer Expert, ask me anything![FINISHED]

My name is Tracy and I am a Google Developer Expert, RxJS Core Team member, a Women Techmakers Lead, and a frequent keynote speaker at conferences. I also host the Modern Web podcast, organize This.JavaScript, Contributor Days, Google Developer Group Silicon Valley and Triangle, and RxWorkshop. Oh yeah and I'm Co-Founder of This Dot Labs, an elite consultancy helping teams build front end applications. You can find me on Twitter @ladyleet or at

Oldest comments (67)

liana profile image
Liana Felt (she/her)

What's it like being a core team member on a major open source project?

ladyleet profile image
Tracy Lee | ladyleet

It's definitely fun! Definitely not as intimidating as it may seem. Working with people you really enjoy working with and doing projects that you find passion in is the best. I became a core team member because I put in effort into the community and at some point in time, that was recognized. :) And that was nice. :)

andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him)

Hi Tracy! What's it like working with large corporations that have a lot of process?

ladyleet profile image
Tracy Lee | ladyleet

The key is understanding the process and figuring out how to scale those relationships in a way that does not kill your team! :) Sometimes it also requires a lot of patience because it can be slow. But, all in all it's so nice to help large corporations succeed and bring in new technologies and standards that they may not already know about!

andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him)

That's a great point about bringing in new tech + standards for large corporations!

jess profile image
Jess Lee

How did you first get into public speaking?

ladyleet profile image
Tracy Lee | ladyleet

Hi Jess! Well, someone invited me to speak, I felt special, spoke, and then decided that I should keep doing it! And so I did. :)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

What advice would you give a software developer who is thinking of starting their own business (high growth startup or otherwise)?

ladyleet profile image
Tracy Lee | ladyleet

I've started quite a few companies myself so... I would probably say know who you are getting into business with or know what value they are bringing to the table and make it very clear. Always have a 1 year cliff for all founders when starting - a lot can happen in a year. I would also say make sure to get a good lawyer and the paperwork done properly because then it's way easier to get cofounders and investors interested and involved. Until then there is nothing for them to do bc you're not ready.

Also, do NOT quit your job. If you can't work full time and do your startup and gain traction, you won't be able to full time. I don't care what you say bc you are also not driven enough if you can't handle both at the same time and gain some sort of traction. Once you have found product market fit or revenue or funding then quit your job.

jess profile image
Jess Lee

What has your experience with fundraising been? Do you recommend accelerator programs?

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ladyleet profile image
Tracy Lee | ladyleet

I think accelerator programs are great potentially for the network or for money or for structure. It depends on how structured you need things. These accelerators will give you foundation. For me personally, I'm already pretty structured so I might consider accelerators and excel, but I am also able to do it myself and be successful since I've gone through the path. Some people also can't afford the time for accelerators and can only work nights and weekends which is how I started my first company.

Fundraising! Fundraising is a TON of fun once you gain traction. Your first investors will probably just be your advisors. And honestly, my first "real" investor was just a guy who went to a Dishcrawl (food event, my first company) with his wife, realized I did startup stuff. We got together because I just wanted to soft pitch him. When we chatted he fell in love with the idea, saw that I was coachable, and helped guide me.

One thing is - you are always in charge of your own destiny so don't "rely" on someone else or some investor or lawyer to make connections for you, etc.

Also, just be around startup stuff so you have more serendipitous encounters and ideas.

TALK about your idea ALL THE TIME. I hate it when people are so scared someone will steal their idea. Your idea is not that great, and your execution is zero. So... literally... just talk about it so you can improve it and so others can help you improve it.

peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank

Hi Tracy!

How did you first get involved in software development?

ladyleet profile image
Tracy Lee | ladyleet

As I was selling my first company I decided to learn how to code. I learned JavaScript, fell in love with the challenge, and never looked back! :)

rkoutnik profile image
Randall Koutnik

Hey Tracy! Awesome to see you doing this AMA, despite you stealing Jay from us :P

A few questions:
What was the GDE process like? Did you reach out, or did they? Has it helped you in your career?

What do you think is the largest barrier for newcomers to RxJS? How can the community help out?

ladyleet profile image
Tracy Lee | ladyleet

The GDE process is different for everyone! They reached out and told me to apply. You can also be recommended by another GDE. I believe you can just apply as well but the rules change so often that I'm not confident if you can just apply these days. I think the benefit of being a GDE is being able to have access to new Google technologies! Being a GDE is just about doing what you already do and helping promote Google Technologies through community involvement.

Largest barriers for newcomers to RxJS would probably be knowing how on earth to do anything. We currently have the RxJS docs initiative and the new docs are hosted at These are beta but pretty easy to contribute to. I think also finding the time to take an hour out and pair with someone on Rx related things is always really nice and helpful too! :)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

What's the process of applying for GDE? And is it a status you need to re-up on or do anything to keep?

Thread Thread
ladyleet profile image
Tracy Lee | ladyleet

Well, I think for right now you have to be recommended by another GDE! Typically you become a GDE because you are already in the community and people already assume you are a GDE. That has been the case for myself and many others. :) I'm not sure if you ever "lose" your GDE status - but definitely the program expects you to track what you do as a GDE and those metrics are reported on. :)

xgrommx profile image
Denis Stoyanov 🐜

Looks like as my idea with jsbin :D

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

What's the origin story of your BFF status with Ben Lesh?

ladyleet profile image
Tracy Lee | ladyleet

Well once upon a time I used to host pot lucks and Ben and Jay used to come, of course, since I am basically their social life. ;) <3

And we used to talk and hang out and Ben was so nice and he would pair with me on things and just be such a great mentor and I felt like he was always willing and up for all the ridiculous things I wanted to do.

And then somehow our entire lives overlapped and we were speaking at all the same conferences and then we cofounded a company together and then I started getting involved in RxJS because I saw the team needed a little bit of Tracy love and at some point in time you just get attached at the hip and life is never the same... :P

It's pretty special having great friends in life and I consider Ben and Jay to be some of my top favorite peeps.

liana profile image
Liana Felt (she/her)

What's the best software conference you go to?

ladyleet profile image
Tracy Lee | ladyleet

I love so many of them! I love the smaller ones because you develop closer relationships with people, and I like the larger ones because you get more swag and they are more grand and there are more speakers! I love ng-conf, angular connect, fluent conf, ng-nl, angular up, ng-poland... and so many more. This year I will be going to quite a few React conferences and I must say I'm pretty sure I'm going to fall in love with React Amsterdam and Chain React! :)

dineshbabu153 profile image
Dineshbabu Thoota

hi Tracy!. First off, thank you so much for doing this Ask me Anything!

A very important question.
All these latest trends in front end engineering sometimes seems so overwhelming and many developers like me feel it a bit difficult to catch up on these. What advice would you like to give for developers in this vastly expanding javascript ecosystem ?

ladyleet profile image
Tracy Lee | ladyleet

Honestly, just pick what you're passionate about. Learn what you want, and spend some time after hours to hone in on what you get excited about and become an expert. Then move on to the next project. I think the problem with JS is that it moves so fast and you always feel like you know nothing but the truth is that we all know something - it may just be in a different area of expertise than another. :)

bnb profile image
Tierney Cyren

Hey Tracy! πŸ‘‹

Wanted to ask: How do you find the time to do SO MUCH community work, even though it's a part of your job?

You've done a tremendous job of connecting individuals who are from distinct parts of the community and weaving a fabric of awesomeness. I've seen others attempt and fail to do the same, so I'm curious about your thoughts on how to bring people together to discuss common goals and their differences.

ladyleet profile image
Tracy Lee | ladyleet

I think I've just been good at doing this my entire life. Finding connections in people and suggesting things and just overall having the power of suggestion. :)

I also make sure to always follow up with the people I want to follow up on and make an impact. Those of us who are blessed with the ability to make connections and change the world, always should. You are one of those people too! <3

I was also lucky enough to make this a part of my "job" essentially, and that makes me so happy. Helping people just makes me happy. :P

Plus, I think I try to encourage niceness and am not afraid to call people out on their silly BS sometimes. ;)

jspawgrammer profile image
Roger Dodger

Thanks for doing this AMA. For seemingly everyday there is a new framework or library. What kind of path would you recommend for someone wanting to be in the javascript arena, ie, learn JS first then move on and if so, how much JS should you learn before continuing onto frameworks. Thanks.

ladyleet profile image
Tracy Lee | ladyleet

I mean honestly I'd poke around at all of them and ask questions on twitter and around your entire life. See who will be your mentors or willing to help, what is the easiest or most comfortable, or what you get most excited about, and go from there.

Some people say only learn vanilla JS. That's a great idea but I will also say it's not that bad to just learn a framework and JS along the way. The most gratifying and satisfying way to learn something new, at least for me, is to see immediate results. That is why using Ember-CLI after 2 weeks of JS was the best way for me to get stoked on staying on the JS path.

I literally would say just get on a framework while learning JS. It does not hurt.

annarankin profile image
Anna Rankin

Hello Tracy, thanks so much for taking the time to talk to us! ❀️ I'm super curious about how you got into programming (in general) and web development specifically - did one or the other draw you in first? I've only played around with RxJS a little bit, but I really enjoyed the pattern and the documentation. What made you decide to become a core team member?

I'm also interested in how you manage so many things! Is there anything you do to recharge/specific ways you like to stay organized?

ladyleet profile image
Tracy Lee | ladyleet

Hi Anna! I just picked up the computer and learned HTML/CSS/JS one month and kept going! The community is what kept me going - being constantly surrounded by people who were awesome and as passionate. MENTORS as well - if I didn't have mentors around me I'd just sit there for hours at at time stuck. My mentors even now help me get unstuck and when they do I realize that I was only 1% away from a solution. When I do it by myself, I feel like I am 80% away from the solution.

RxJS core team - they were all friends and they needed a little bit of help with organization, the docs, and just some new energy so I was just there, helping out, and then a few months later, I became officially part of the RxJS core team!

I use evernote to stay organized. Religiously! I also have a very intense calendar. I plan out my year in Nov/Dec so I can very much tell you where I'll be in December. :)

And by plan everything out - I mean I plan out all my monthly social activities and put it on my calendar, as well as events, conferences, and where I'll be physically in the world! My calendar is usually booked out a month in advance.

I also make sure I have time for myself to code in that time. :) I meditate to stay recharged, cook, and go on walks. But sometimes I also just sit in bed and complain to my BFF @benlesh (jk but not really).

annarankin profile image
Anna Rankin

Thank you so much for your answer! So cool to hear how you got into the crazy world of the internet. I hear you on mentorship - so awesome to have great people with unsticking powers around you :D

evebanigo profile image

Hey Tracy! I think you're awesome :). Please I'd like to know what learning tips and methods you'd recommend for a person learning javascript. Thanks!

ladyleet profile image
Tracy Lee | ladyleet

Get into what you're passionate about and start pounding on code! Also build something you're excited about! No use wasting your life on things that do not make you excited!

edunham profile image
E. Dunham

Wow, you've made so many neat things I hardly know where to begin! Since you say to ask you "anything", the first question to cross my mind is about one of the hardest problems in computer science: What're your thoughts on and techniques for naming things, especially businesses and projects? Got any favorite stories about how picking the right name and scope for a project helped it out down the line?

ladyleet profile image
Tracy Lee | ladyleet


Well, one of my first products was a gift app. And we could NOT for the life of us agree on what to name it.

Me and my cofounder at the time were eating in Mountain View at a restaurant called Sushi Tomi. So we thought - Gift Tomi and named it Giftomi. We kept trying to call it Gift something. And then another person a few months later was like yeah you named it Gift to me! like Giftomi! And my mind was BLOWN.

Another one - I wanted to create an umbrella corporation and I was at an event explaining this to someone. He said yes, like an evil umbrella corporation. Then I thought, OMG EVIL is LIVE spelled backwards! So one of the names of one of my first companies was LiveUmbrella :)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Can you explain RXJS like I'm five?

ladyleet profile image
Tracy Lee | ladyleet

Hahaha :) Observables are just functions in JS - they don't do anything until you subscribe to them, or call them. It's not that hard so if you're learning promises currently I say why not just learn RxJS bc it's basically the same thing but with more benefits? :) But, everyone has their own opinion! :)

xgrommx profile image
Denis Stoyanov 🐜

Observables are right Kan extension (as is generalize of continuation process) in category theory :D