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Steve Bjorg for LambdaSharp

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How to make Lambda Provisioned Concurrency configurable in CloudFormation

A few month ago, AWS introduced Provisioned Concurrency for Lambda Functions. This is a great addition for .NET Core Lambda since it eliminates the cold-start penalty.

Unfortunately, to use provisioned concurrency in CloudFormation, we have to use AWS::Lambda::Version, which is an immutable resource. Meaning, once it has been created, it cannot be modified. That's a problem if you want to be able to set the provisioned concurrency using a CloudFormation parameter.

Naive Approach

Something like the following CloudFormation template will work the first time the stack is created and then never again, because none of the properties of MyLambadVersion can be modified after creation:


    Type: Number
    Default: 0
    MinValue: 0


    Type: AWS::Lambda::Version
      FunctionName: !Ref MyLambda
        ProvisionedConcurrentExecutions: !Ref ProvisionedConcurrency
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NOTE: AWS::Lambda::Function definition omitted for brevity.

Using a Conditional Resource

The trick is to be able to get rid of the MyLambdaVersion resource. We can achieve that by making it a conditional resource and using as condition that ProvisionedConcurrency is not 0.

The following code expands on the previous attempt by introducing a CloudFormation condition:


    Type: Number
    Default: 0
    MinValue: 0


  HasProvisionedConcurrency: !Not [ !Equals [ !Ref ProvisionedConcurrency, 0 ] ]


    Type: AWS::Lambda::Version
    Condition: HasProvisionedConcurrency
      FunctionName: !Ref MyLambda
        ProvisionedConcurrentExecutions: !Ref MyLambdaProvisionedConcurrency
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While this approach allows us to make provision concurrency configurable, it requires an intermediary step. Whenever you want to change the provisioned concurrency, we have to first go back to 0 to delete the MyLambdaVersion resource and then we can set whichever provisioned concurrency we actually want. It's a bit tedious, but at least it's possible!

The other thing to look out for is that we also need to conditionally refer to either MyLambdaVersion or MyLambda wherever the function ARN is required. Fortunately, that's simple enough using the !If function and HasProvisionedConcurrency condition.

Happy Hacking!

Top comments (1)

praetp profile image
Paul Praet

What if you want to update the FunctionCode of your lambda ?
Will this keep on working ?