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Cover image for Poke: A Super Handy HTTP Request Library
Lawson Cheng
Lawson Cheng

Posted on

Poke: A Super Handy HTTP Request Library

'Request/request' was my favorite library all the time when i need to make http request in node, however it's deprecated for some time.

I have tried a lot of alternatives but none of them gives me the similar experience as request does.

Finally, I decided to make one, that will be my pleasure to have you guy's feedback : )

import poke from 'js.poke'

// Using promise
.then(result => {
    // response body here
    // get result in json format
    return result.json()
.then(json => {
    // here is the json object
    console.log('json: ', json)
.catch(err => {
    console.log('> Error: ', err)
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Top comments (2)

anshrk profile image
Anshrk • Edited

Looks cool, but how is it different from fetch or axios?

lawson_cheng profile image
Lawson Cheng

The poke library also support listen to difference events,
and easy access to stream : )


// Using callback
poke(hostname , pokeOptions)
// listen to response retrived
.on('response', result => {
// on chunk is recieved
.on('data', (chunk) => {
    // handle your data here
// on request eneded
.on('end', () => {
    console.log('Request is finished')
// listening to error
.on('error', (result) => {
    // handle error
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e.g 2

// get image
// write data as an image file
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