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Ismael Garcia
Ismael Garcia

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Nuxt Layer issue `Importing directly from module entry-points is not allowed`

Yesterday that I was working on my open source Sass template starter with Nuxt Layers,
I encounter a problem, when I was trying to use one of my layers in another layer, let me explain a little bit my project set up so you can have a better overview of the problem:

My folder structure is the following:

-- nux-sass-layer
    -- packages
        -- ui
        -- content
        -- auth
        -- email
        -- dashboard
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When I implemented my UI layer, there was no error at all, and everything compiled like always.

I was importing some types from radix-vue and everything seems fine, until!!

I try to import a component from the ui Layer for the time was fine, because that first component wasn’t using any external types

So the problem start when I imported my HeaderNavigation but that component depends on other components that use external types, like TheMenuItem component.

I start getting 500 errors and the following message in the terminal:

Importing directly from module entry-points is not allowed
And Pre-transform error: [@vue/compiler-sfc] Failed to resolve import source "radix-vue".

The component that was doing the import of the type

<script setup lang="ts"> 
import { NavigationMenuRoot } from "radix-vue"; 
import NavigationMenuViewport from "./NavigationMenuViewport.vue";
import { cn } from "@UI/lib/utils"; 
import type { NavigationMenuRootProps, NavigationMenuRootEmits } from "radix-vue"; //<- This was the line that was breaking everithing

const props = defineProps<NavigationMenuRootProps & { class?: string }>();
const emits = defineEmits<NavigationMenuRootEmits>(); 


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I spend more than a couple of hours trying to find a solution and looking if anyone has encountered the same issue.

But not luck, I got some feedback from the Discord community of Nuxt.

But after a walk with the dog and some coffee, I look deeper at the error details and where the error was coming from, then did a deep dive in the .nuxt folder and look at the output and notice that the tsconfig.json that was created was target to moduleResolution:module and not to "Node”, update my tsconfig.josn to make the moduleResolution to Node.

"extends": "./.nuxt/tsconfig.json",
"compilerOptions": { 
    "paths": { "@UI/*": ["./*"] }, 
    "moduleResolution": "Node"

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This solves the problem 🤗

Here is the link to the project if you want to take a look at it or need an example on how to or not to use Nuxt layers for your project.


Please if anyone have a better way please comment below and let's learn together

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Working on the audio version

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Top comments (2)

kimdevgit profile image
Kim Dev

In my case, installing typescript as dependecies solve the problem

leamsigc profile image
Ismael Garcia

That seems to be odd righ, for me that din't work for some reason. but hey you never know

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