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Cover image for Write Letter Submission - DigitalOcean App Platform Hackathon
Thanawat Yodnil
Thanawat Yodnil

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Write Letter Submission - DigitalOcean App Platform Hackathon

What I built

Write Letter - where you can write and talk about anything freely openly and anonymously.

Category Submission: Random Roulette

App Link


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Write Letter is web app that allow anyone to write and talk about anything openly and anonymously

Write Letter has difference from other is that Write Letter have no grouping for each letter (except hashtag) the idea is to get peoples start talking.


  • No Sign-Up required
  • Write anything, just be polited
  • 2 types of writing (see below)
  • Dark/Light mode

Writing Types

  • Post: just normally posting it visible publicly to anyone
  • Paper Plane: unlike normal posting, it get send to randomly to one stranger !

Link to Source Code

Permissive License

MIT License


I'm gonna be honnest, at first I was meant to create app for those who looking for people with same interested.

Why ? because at college I was unable to talk to anyone, they are unlike me, I want to have a team or group with same interested in web development to start developing some stuff !.

But I found out that there are many great tools for that out there.

Then it turn out became Write Letter !

How I built it

I used DigitalOcean as Static Site hosting and as GraphQL API server with MongoDB Atlas as Database. Along the way I learnt a lot of new stuff ! the list are

  • GraphQL with Apollo
  • MongoDB with and not with MongoDB Atlas
  • React (with typescript)
  • YAML syntax

Additional Resources/Info

There are GraphQL API for developer to integrated with my app !

You can deploy to your own DigitalOcean's App Platform with one click button below

For client

Deploy to DO

For server

Deploy to DO

I also created timelapse of creation progress, playlist are here

I've used small script which I wrote myself, it can record and compile into timelapse video check it out here

Thank you very much for this hackathon I learn a lot along the way, Sorry for my bad english, I'm still learning it.

Top comments (3)

szhabolcs profile image
Nagy Szabolcs

This is so awesome! πŸ˜„

littleboycoding profile image
Thanawat Yodnil

Thanks ! your project also looking very cool too ! πŸš€

szhabolcs profile image
Nagy Szabolcs

Thank you! 😁