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DevRel Discussion

Liz Acosta on February 05, 2024

Happy Monday to those who celebrate! πŸ˜‚ This week's DevRel Discussion is a fun one: What is currently playing in your headphones? Does what yo...
ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

Do you ever work in complete silence?

Not my preferred approach, but sometimes I get started in silence and get into a really good groove this way.

lizzzzz profile image
Liz Acosta β€’

I think because I have ADHD, I always need some sort of background noise, and the only time I work in complete silence is when I put my headphones on but get distracted while looking for something to listen to and then only realize I'm listening to nothing hours later πŸ˜…

jess profile image
Jess Lee β€’

My strong preference is to work in silence! White noise (i.e. office chatter, the hum of a fridge, my loud keyboard clacking) is fine but headphones are a no go for me -- I find music to be really distracting! I can't focus on my own thoughts and will end up intently listening to the music (even if there are no lyrics!) and well, not doing my work. Or just get a headache from trying to focus on work, but failing.

lizzzzz profile image
Liz Acosta β€’

Or just get a headache from trying to focus on work, but failing.

I relate to that! I experience that too sometimes, or sometimes anything that isn't white noise is like, too overstimulating. Especially if I am doing something that takes a lot of brain power. That's when I pull out the isochronic tones.

mellen profile image
Matt Ellen-Tsivintzeli β€’

Currently there is nothing playing in my headphones.

What I listen to changes based on my mood. If I'm struggling to concentrate I will put on something to relax my mind. That can involve a bit of figuring out what will do that, like knowing you're hungry but not what you want to eat.

I often work in complete silence. That said, I will often get up, pace around and talk to myself, so "complete" is perhaps over stating it.

lizzzzz profile image
Liz Acosta β€’

That can involve a bit of figuring out what will do that, like knowing you're hungry but not what you want to eat.

Oh boy do I relate to this!

ksolomon profile image
Keith Solomon β€’

Listening to the sounds of the office at the moment...but before I hit pause, it was this:

lizzzzz profile image
Liz Acosta β€’

Um, I love this playlist 🀘

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington β€’

Awww yeah, this is a fun discussion!

I actually regularly have a series called Music Monday so was tuning into some different suggested tunes.

But one thing I popped on today while doing the dishes is this collaboration between David Byrne and Thievery Corporation β€” a song called "The Heart's a Lonely Hunter" β€” hope ya enjoy!

lizzzzz profile image
Liz Acosta β€’

This is a big YES!!!

lizzzzz profile image
Liz Acosta β€’

I'll go first!

For coding:

For writing:

For reading the docs/researching:

ajkerrigan profile image
AJ Kerrigan β€’

What is currently playing in your headphones?

Been listening to a lot of Theon Cross's Intra-I lately. It's like an afro-caribbean electronic dance party dominated by a tuba. Not the mix I expected, but the mix I needed πŸ˜….

Does what you listen to change according to what you are working on?

Definitely. Can't listen to music with vocals when I need to focus. I can ignore the world perhaps too well once I'm into a problem, but hearing words can keep me from getting there. Foreign language music gives a little bit of wiggle room though.

Do you ever work in complete silence?

Sure, but in those cases I've probably fallen deep enough into a problem that I would miss most of what's outside my skull anyway.

lizzzzz profile image
Liz Acosta β€’

All great stuff and also I miss working with you 😒

ajkerrigan profile image
AJ Kerrigan β€’

Saaaaaame 😒

ramijames profile image
Rami James β€’ β€’ Edited

I listen to a lot of instrumental music because anything with words disrupts my thought process when I'm writing. These days I'm writing a lot.

Currently listening to Polyphia.

I find complete silence really, really hard to work to. I need the music to "hold my mind together", if you know what I mean.

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