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L Javier Tovar
L Javier Tovar

Posted on • Updated on • Originally published at Medium

Why Should You Use Cleanup Functions in React’s useEffect Hook?

Cleanup functions in React’s useEffect hook — explained with examples.

f you are starting to learn React or already have some time using this library, surely, you have come across some errors or warnings related to asynchronous functions, especially using the hook useEffect.

When I was learning the functionality of this hook, I could not understand the reason to use the return in this function since in most cases it is not necessary to use it and React works perfectly well without it.

As I became more familiar with the way React works and the life cycle of the components, I began to notice that in many cases, it is too important to use the return in the hook useEffect, especially in the side effects.

What are the side effects?

A side effect can be fetching data from a remote server, reading or writing to local storage, setting up event listeners, or setting up a subscription. These side effects can occur when a button is clicked, when a form is submitted, or when a component is mounted and unmounted.

React’s useEffect hook allows functional components to do things when a component is mounted or when some properties or states change. This hook also allows to clean up when the component is unmounted.

Why clean up side effects?
Handling side effects in React is a task of medium complexity. However, from time to time, you may have difficulties at the intersection of the component lifecycle (initial rendering, assembly, usage, disassembly) and the side-effect lifecycle (started, in progress, complete).

One such difficulty is when a side effect completes and attempts to update the state of an already disassembled component.

This causes a React warning like this:

Error react

Memory leaks in React applications are mainly the result of not canceling subscriptions made when a component was mounted before the component is unmounted.

They cause many problems, including:

  • Affects the performance of the project by reducing the amount of memory available.
  • Slowing down the application.
  • System crashes.

Therefore, it’s necessary to eliminate memory leak problems.

What is the useEffect cleanup function?
It is a function of the useEffect hook that allows us to stop side effects that no longer need to be executed before our component is unmounted.

useEffect is built in such a way that we can return a function inside it and this return function is where the cleanup happens.

For example, Component A requests the API to get a list of products, but while making that asynchronous request, Component A is removed from the DOM (it’s unmounted). There is no need to complete that asynchronous request.

So as a cleanup method to improve your application, you can clean up (cancel) the asynchronous request so that it’s not completed.

Cleanup function of useEffect:

useEffect(() => {
  // Your effect
  return () => {
    // Cleanup
}, [input])
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Cleaning up an effect

Canceling a fetch request

There are different ways to cancel fetch request calls, we can use fetch AbortControlleror Axios AbortController.

To use AbortController, we must create a controller using the AbortController() constructor. Then, when our fetch request initiates, we pass AbortSignal as an option inside the request’s options object.

This associates the controller and signal with the fetch request and lets us cancel it anytime using AbortController.abort():

Cleaning up Timeouts

When using setTimeout(callback, time) timer functions, we can clear them on unmount by using the special clearTimeout(timerId) function.

Cleaning up Intervals

Like the Timeouts, the setIntervals(callback, time)have a special function to clean them up with clearInterval(intervalId) function.

Cleaning up Event Listeners

Clean up Listeners happens via window.removeEventListener. The removeEventListener call must reference the same function in the removeEventListenercall to remove the listener correctly.

Cleaning up Web Sockets

When you create a WebSocket connection, you can close it in the cleanup socket.close() function.


We have learned that some side effects require cleanup to avoid memory leaks and unnecessary and unwanted behaviors. We must learn when and how to use the cleanup function of the useEffecthook to avoid these problems and optimize applications.

I recommend cleaning up asynchronous effects when the component is unmounted. Also, if the asynchronous side effect depends on the prop or state values then consider also cleaning them up when the component is updated.

I hope you found this article useful and that you can now use the cleanup feature correctly.

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