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Luc Engelen
Luc Engelen

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Dependency injection and loggers in Clojure

Logging functions have to be impure to be useful. If they don't change the state of the world around them by writing something somewhere, why would you use them? This makes any function that uses a logging function directly impure too. If that is something you want to avoid, you could inject a logging service and use that instead of the logging function. Let's do that and see what challenges we come across.

The protocol Logger below consists of a single method info. The constructor function create-logger returns a concrete implementation of Logger, which delegates to

(ns logging
  (:require [ :as log]))

(defprotocol Logger
  (info [this message]))

(defn create-logger []
  (reify Logger
    (info [_ message] (log/info message))))
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The function add-and-log below takes a logger as its first argument and uses it to log the result of some computation. Pay close attention to the namespace.

(ns domain
  (:require [logging :refer [create-logger info]]))

(defn add-and-log [logger & args]
  (info logger (apply + args)))

(add-and-log (create-logger) 1 2 3 4)
(add-and-log (create-logger) 1 2 3 4 5)
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The result of evaluating the last two expressions is as follows:

13:47:30.130 [nREPL-session-fab93eaa-9ae3-40d4-a4f1-a0605747ba5c] INFO logging - 10
13:49:22.927 [nREPL-session-fab93eaa-9ae3-40d4-a4f1-a0605747ba5c] INFO logging - 15
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These two log entries contain the log level ("INFO"), the namespace from which the logging function was called ("logging"), and the log messages ("10" and "15").

Usually, it's convenient to be able to trace an entry in the logs to its origin in the code. In this example, however, we're logging messages in the namespace domain, but the log entries contain the namespace logging. This unfortunate, but it makes perfect sense. It may look like we're logging messages in the namespace domain, because that's where we call the info method of the logger, but the actual logging happens in the namespace logging, where log/info is called.

Macros to the rescue

After some head scratching and browsing through code bases and documentation, I learned that this is one of those occasions where macros come in handy. As you may know, macros can be used to transform code at compile time. The end result of this transformation is evaluated at runtime.

For example, the macro twice below takes a function and a value, and applies the function twice: once to the value and then to the result of the first application.

(defmacro twice [f x]
  `(~f (~f ~x)))
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Without going into details too much, you could view the expression (~f (~f ~x)) as a template, where ~ is used as an escape symbol.

At compile time, the expression (twice inc 0) expands to the following:

(inc (inc 0))
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At runtime, this evaluates to 2.

For beginners, it can be difficult to determine whether a function or a macro should be used to solve a certain problem. In fact, the macro twice could have been a function. Most people would say that if something can be implemented as a function, then it should be implemented as function, not a macro. The problem with our logger, however, is a perfect fit for macros.

Here's a new version of the Logger protocol and the corresponding constructor function:

(ns logging
  (:require [ :as log]
            [ :as impl]))

(defprotocol Logger
  (-log [this ns level message throwable]))

(defn create-logger []
  (reify Logger
    (-log [_ ns level message throwable]
      (let [logger (impl/get-logger log/*logger-factory* ns)]
        (log/log* logger level throwable message)))))
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This version of the protocol consists of a single method named -log, where the minus-sign indicates that the method is not meant to be called directly. (It can be called directly, but it's not meant to be.) What's most noteworthy about this method is that it takes an argument ns. The constructor function creates a logger by passing the value of ns to the logger factory of, and that logger is then used to do the actual logging via log/log*.

This change itself doesn't bring us any closer to solving our problem, however. We still need to figure out how to pass the namespace in which we're logging something to the method -log without doing so explicitly. Part of the answer lies in *ns*, an object representing the current namespace. Using a function in the logging namespace to pass along *ns* wouldn't work however, because we would be passing along that namespace again. The second part of the answer lies in using a macro.

(defmacro log [logger level message throwable]
  `(-log ~logger ~*ns* ~level ~message ~throwable))
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As mentioned above, macros will be expanded at compile time and the resulting expression will be evaluated at runtime. Because the expansion happens where the macro is applied, the value of *ns* is the namespace in which the macro is applied, not the namespace in which the macro is defined.

To provide an API that is a little more pleasant to use, the macro above is combined with the following ones (and similar ones for other log levels).

(defmacro info [logger message]
  `(log ~logger :info ~message nil))

(defmacro error [logger message throwable]
  `(log ~logger :error ~message throwable))
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Now that we've defined this collection of macros, we can evaluate the following expression.

(ns domain
  (:require [logging :refer [create-logger info]]))

(info (create-logger) "a message to log")
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At compile time, the expression on the last line expands to the following:

(logging/-log (create-logger) #namespace[domain] :info "a message to log" nil)
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At runtime, the message "a message to log" is logged at log level "INFO", with a reference to the namespace "domain", which is exactly what we set out to achieve.

Let's put these new macros to use:

(ns domain
  (:require [logging :refer [create-logger info]]))

(defn add-and-log [logger & args]
  (info logger (apply + args)))

(add-and-log (create-logger) 1 2 3 4)
(add-and-log (create-logger) 1 2 3 4 5)
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The result of evaluating the last two expressions is now as follows:

13:58:17.378 [nREPL-session-fab93eaa-9ae3-40d4-a4f1-a0605747ba5c] INFO domain - 10
13:58:18.589 [nREPL-session-fab93eaa-9ae3-40d4-a4f1-a0605747ba5c] INFO domain - 15
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Only one word changed, but this can make a world of difference when looking through logs to track down bugs.

Top comments (2)

schmudde profile image

Most simple macro demonstrations are usually not useful. This is a nice example with a practical application.

mebble profile image
Neil Syiemlieh

Thanks for these clojure articles. I've been getting them in my clojure RSS feed and I'm glad to get some clojure content in this js-dominated world