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#discuss What is the benefit of React/Angular/VueJS?

Why do you use React or some other framework instead of pure CSS?

Top comments (5)

carlmungazi profile image
Carl Mungazi

I assume by pure CSS you also mean vanilla JS as well?

Frameworks abstract away a number of things. Fundamentally, they allow you to programmatically create DOM elements and make it easier to keep the state of your UI in sync with the data flowing through your application. I am currently doing a project where I delve into this subject in more depth, if you are interested:

I use React because it is similar to Mithril ( the first framework I used professionally. Given the chance I would use Mithril or Preact because they do what React does but with less code.

couch3ater profile image
Connor Tangney • Edited

I assume by pure CSS you also mean vanilla JS as well?

I actually came by just to make certain there was no confusion about this, since React is not a CSS framework, but a Javascript "framework."

Good catch!


anwar_nairi profile image
Anwar • Edited

I use Vue.js because I can provide my customers an experience that is close to a native app.

I like the front end concepts like Flux, it enforces back/front separation, and the added value of an SPA, even if I need to work a little bit more on the SEO side. It worth it.

I do not use PRPL (for technical issue reasons), but this could spare my customers some precious KB.

I can differenciate from my concurrents that use multi page Web apps with smaller pages, faster navigation, which means a greater chance of conversion.

I also want to be happy browsing my web app, front end frameworks definitvely add a lot of value to the clients browsing experience.

rocambille profile image
Romain Guillemot

In a nutshell, the benefit is to write a declarative code instead of an imperative one. Here is an article which helped me understand the difference:

zyzmoz profile image
Daniel Cunha (he/him)

I've been using Angular and React on my daily basis, and I'd say both deliver the expected performance within its architecture and concepts!
People argue that some frameworks/libraries can deliver an experience closer to a native application. However, I believe that the right piece of code can provide a great experience without counting on the technology where it was written.