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Solace Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
Solace Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

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Top 11 Laravel Packages To Improve Productivity

Laravel is the most popular PHP framework for back end development that developers prefer to use. It’s increasing popularity is because of its growing developer community and beginner friendliness. It tries to make the process of development easier by simplifying the common practices used in developing major web projects like packages, modules, plug-ins and components. Here you can get the details of what is laravel package and top 11 Laravel packages to use in 2020. 

What Is Laravel Packages?

Laravel is a popular framework to develop web applications as it offers a simple and rapid development environment for developers. Laravel package is a piece of software(code) designed or built to improve the capabilities or functionalities of existing software. Basically it is a script that is installable so as to implement extra features in an application rather than writing from scratch. You can use different ways to access relational databases, can perform dependency injection through these packages.
The best advantage of using Laravel packages is- it allows access to all features that the framework offers to its host application, including routing, migrations, tests, views and other useful features. The next important advantage of a package is Don’t Repeat Yourself(DRY) principle.

Top 11 Laravel Packages To Improve Productivity-

1. Laravel Debugbar-
This Laravel package is basically used for the debugging purpose. It helps users to add a developer toolbar to their applications. There are multiple options available in Debugbar. It will help you to show the queries that your application offers. Related to the route, that you have called will show all the templates and parameters that you have passed.  
You can include messages using the Façade, and it will show under the ‘Messages’ tab in the Laravel Debugbar.
You can install this by using the command below and ensure that the debug mode is on and of course do not use this package into production.
composer require barryvdh/laravel-debugbar --dev

2. Laravel Socialite-
Laravel provides a simple, convenient way to authenticate with OAuth providers by using Laravel Socialite. Socialite supports authentication with Bitbucket, GitLab, Google, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook. This package is an open-source OAuth authentication Laravel Package that helps to integrate with facebook, Twitter and Goggle.
You can use the following command to install the Laravel Socialite Package, 
composer require laravel/socialite composer update

3. Laravel ide helper-
This package is used to improve the auto complication capability for code editors. It generates the file that is helpful for code editor to understand the project and then accordingly code editors provide IntelliSense for autocompletion. The file about which we are discussing is generally based on the files we have in our Laravel project and it keeps them updated.
You can use the following command to install this package:
composer require --dev barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper

4. Entrust-
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Top comments (1)

fininhors profile image
Francisco Junior

where are the other 7?