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Ahmad Ra'fat
Ahmad Ra'fat

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30-Day LeetCoding Challenge: Contiguous Array

The problem


The problem asking us to find the maximum length of the subarray that contains equal numbers of 0 and 1.

We can say if we have zero counter and one counter our contiguous subarray with an equal number of 0 & 1 will happen when the counters are equal right!

So let's define one counter called count = 0 and when we see 0 we decrease the count by 1 and when we see 1 we increase it with 1 and when the count == 0 that means we have our subarray so calculate the length.

To be able to find our answer which is the maximum length we need to store this counts somewhere associated with their indexes and when we encounter the same count again then we subtract the new index with the stored index and find our answer.

I can't think of any data structure to help us do that besides the hash-map so we will be using it.


  • define arr = [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
  • define start with map = {0: -1} to hold our counts associated with indexes
  • define count = 0 to count the number of zeros and ones
  • define max_length = 0 to hold our answer

  • When we encounter first arr[0] = 0 so we decrease the count by 1, count -= 1 = -1 do we have count -1 in our map so so store it with the index: map[count] = arr[0] => map = {0: -1, -1: 0}.

  • When arr[1] = 0 so our new count will be count = -2 not in the map so add it: map = {0: -1, -1: 0, -2: 1}

  • When arr[2] = 1 now increase our count by one so it will be count = -2 + 1 = -1 do we have this in our map yes we have it so we subtract the current index 2 from the one stored in the map ==> 0, so it will be tmp = 2 - 0 = 2 compare it with our max_length and choose the max: max_length = max(max_length, tmp) = max(0, 2) = 2.

  • Then we continue doing this until the end we will get our final answer which will be max_length = 6, do it on paper to get the idea.


1. define our count_idx_map = {0: -1}
2. define our max_length = 0
3. define count = 0
4. loop over the arr from i = 0 to len(arr)
5.    add 1 to count if arr[i] = 1 and decrease 1 if it is = 0
6.    if count in count_idx_map find our max_length = max(max_length, i - count_idx_map[count])
7.    otherwise add the count to the map count_idx_map[count] = i
8. at end return out max_length
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  • Time Complexity: We do one loop over our array items (n) and inside the loop, we do check if the count in the map or not but this takes only O(1) as it is hash-map, so overall will be O(n).

  • Space Complexity: Our hash-map in the worst case will be filled with counts for all array items if there is no 0 or 1 so we can say it is O(n).

  • Solution in python

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