DEV Community

Sandeep Machiraju
Sandeep Machiraju

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What are Fonts ? Why should a #webdeveloper learn about it !!!

This is post about my recent medium blog post on fonts for advanced web development.

🔗 Medium Blog :

please do follow me on medium for more blog posts on advanced web development.

How many of you read blogs 📑 ? read news online 📰 ? or may be go deep in the news article in Inshorts by swiping right!

As a regular reader of blogs and online books , it feels frustrating for me especially when website takes time to load. I know many people feel same way with website loading and even sometimes i don't close other browser tabs just because i hate re-rendering and loading of everything.

In this medium blog series , i will be explaining in detail about fonts , font loading , font delivery , font rendering , in between which i will be also covering CSS properties and javascript , where ever required i will be attaching references to websites i learned them from for more clarity.

Advanced #WebDev #frontend #typography #advanced

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