DEV Community

Madhav Jha
Madhav Jha

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Dockerized postgres for local development

This post describes a quick setup which allows one to develop a postgres sql backed application locally. (This is taken from this eggheadio video.)

Create a docker-compose.yml file as follows.

version: "3.8"
    image: "postgres:12"
      - "54320:5432"
      - ./pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - POSTGRES_USER=alice
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=wonderland
      - POSTGRES_DB=myawesomedb

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Create a local folder which will persist data and start the service.

mkdir pgdata
docker-compose up -d
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Once it is up and running, verify you can log into postgres shell.

docker-compose run db bash
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Inside the docker container run the following and enter password wonderland defined above.

psql --host=db --username=alice --dbname=myawesomedb
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You should see psql shell. You can exit by pressing Ctrl+D twice.

At this point most likely you already have prisma setup locally by some variation of the following commands.

npx prisma init
npx prisma generate
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Now you can run the following command to create and apply migrations.

npx prisma migrate dev --name init
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