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Cover image for Accessible Circular Sliders
Mads Stoumann
Mads Stoumann

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Accessible Circular Sliders

Just a few years ago, it was almost impossible to create range sliders without a lot of JavaScript. Thankfully, in modern browsers, it's super-easy to style range sliders, using CSS only. If the browser supports CSS Custom Properties, it's even possible to use the same styles for a wide range of different styles, just by updating a few properties.

I created these sliders recently, using only CSS:

Range Sliders

JavaScript is only used to set the value of the slider as a custom property, that then is used in a CSS linear-gradient to create the "fill".

Accessibility is "built-in": you can :focus, and use arrow-keys for navigation.

But what about Circular Sliders?

I've always had a soft spot for circular sliders β€” don't know why, really. So I tried to style the <input type="range" /> as a circle, and the thumb-shadow-element as a draggable, smaller circle.

Visually, it was possible using only CSS:

Circular Range

But the movement of the thumb-circle was still horizontal.
I then tried to update a custom property with the value of the <input>, and used that in a transform, rotating the track of the <input> and a negative margin-left to position the thumb.

But, alas, although it was possible to move the thumb along the edges of the circle using arrow-keys, it didn't really work using pointer-devices.

So in the end, I had to call my father, a retired maths teacher, to brush up my trigonometry and understanding of arctangents, in order to create these accessible, circular sliders:

They are :focus'able, and use the same arrow-keys as regular range-sliders. The fill is a CSS conic-gradient.

Thanks for reading!

Top comments (6)

dy profile image
Dmitry IV.

Do you have a demo with rotating input sliders? Would be cool to see how it works, some simple reproduction worked on my side

madsstoumann profile image
Mads Stoumann
madsstoumann profile image
Mads Stoumann
ghnetcode profile image

Awesome Stuff, something i have been looking for a while, Thank you.πŸ‘

zhangj1an profile image
Zhang Jian

Hi thanks a lot for this amazing slider!
Is it possible to have a circular "dual" slider? That is, have an interval input rather than a single value.

madsstoumann profile image
Mads Stoumann

Thank you! I might look into a dual slider, if I get some time!