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How To Reach Clients for your digital product

when it comes to making sales online, you will need a couple of stufss.

  1. a product to sell.
  2. a brand to sell that product under.
  3. a strategy to sell it.
  4. a perfect pitch.
  5. this post.

Today, we will be talking about the 3rd step, that being, the strategy.
I am also an entrepreneur and i can safely tell you that there's always going to be some sort of trial and error along the way.
No certain strategy works for every market or for every product.
One kind of Strategy that worked for me was cold calling potential customers and pitching them the product over call.
here's how you do it. go to social media of your choice, i used instagram, search with the relevant hashtags which will give you a bunch of posts made by potential customers.
approach them through DM and try to get in touch with them over voice call.
the next is simple, make sure you have your product pitch ready, and blow their minds with it and make the sale.
happy Earning.
My Name is Mahdi Khan @mahdikhan786

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