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Getting started with Hasura cloud

First post in the series [Android app with Hasura cloud backend #1]

What is Hasura?

Hasura cloud is a GraphQL engine provider for your data source.

For this example, I'll connect my postgres db hosted in heroku with the cloud.

Getting started

To start with the cloud, go to and create an account. It is free for dev usage.

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Once account created by verifying the email, you'll land in dashboard —> Projects.

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Go ahead, and click on New project. It might ask you to select Free / Standard tier. I'm selecting Free. Now you should see a new new project created (even named?!) for you.

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I like the part where they took away the painful part of coming up with a name for the project. With few clicks, I already have a working graphQL engine to consume. But the source??

Launch the project console and onwards.

Connecting data source

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Once the project console launched, you will land in API explorer. Without a data source, we don't have much to do here. Head over to the Data tab, where we create/connect the data source.

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Click - Connect Database and switch to Heroku tab

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Now click on Create Database, if you have logged into Heroku - the session would connect. Otherwise signup for a free heroku account and authorise to connect Hasura.

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You should see a nice animation and a database created and connected with your project.

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In case, you wonder what happended with Heroku, headover to

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In the next post, I'll cover creating a table for an expense manager.

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