GitHub is like a Bank to Developer, Where you can store all important code in it and use it whenever and wherever. You might as well know that it offers the distributed version control and source code management functionality of Git.
GitHub CLI is Terminal Interface. Where you can interact with your code on GitHub right from Terminal. This saves few clicks and makes Developer focus less distracted.
So, GitHub launched GitHub CLI. I want to be clear here GitHub CLI is not replacement of Git. GitHub just bringing their services to your Terminal.
You might say that “Hey, Mahesh! I’m already doing everything on terminal”. Of course, you do but GitHub CLI makes that experience now more feasible and flawless. For example, now you can create or resolve issues raised in your GitHub right from your terminal.
They calling it as gh. You need to start command line with starting gh.
GitHub CLI is available on Windows, mac OS, Linux
Windows :
- You can download directly from Link here
- Download it and Open the file you downloaded.
- Installation Done
mac OS :
is available via Homebrew and MacPorts.
Via brew
brew install gh
- Install -
brew upgrade gh
- Upgrade
Via MacPorts
sudo port install gh
- Install -
sudo port selfupdate && sudo port upgrade gh
- Upgrade
Linux :
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-key C99B11DEB97541F0
sudo apt-add-repository <>
sudo apt update
sudo apt install gh
So Installation Done, Next step is..
We need to authentication GitHub CLI with GitHub Server
gh auth login
- for logging in
Basic Commands to get Started with GitHub CLI:-
gh repo clone @username/@reponame
- to clone a Public Repo
gh pr create
- to create a Pull Requests
gh pr diff
- to view difference Pull Request and Master
gh pr merge
- to merge a Pull Request
gh pr checks
- to check all test cases are passing
gh issue status
- to know opened issues for you
If you’re Open source contributor and want to Contribute to GitHub CLI. Contribute here 👉🏻 cli/cli
This is it. Hope this post is helpful to you!
You can check out my recent post on How to Secure API token and more

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Mahesh Sv ・ Aug 22 ・ 2 min read
Thanks for Reading, This is Mahesh Sv(MaheshtheDev
) signing off.
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