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Day-33 Training At Ryaz

  • Date:28/02/2022
  • Day:Monday

Today, I started at about 10:30 am as I was done with third module and then I started with fourth module and the instructor started with teaching about building Restful Api's using express as he started with that restful api's include set of convention for creating Http services like:
Post:to create resources,Put: to update it,Get: to read it, delete:to delete it. and explained that express is basically framework of node.js and it is used for web servers.And instructor also explained how to handle the all requests. delete, post,get,put. and after this he taught about input validation and introduced new thing that isn nodemon: as nodemon is command line interface utility that wraps your node app, watches the file system, and then automatically restarts the process and if we look use of nodemon in similar terms is that it is required in order make coding easier. so, today I got to know many new things as I had started building the crud app earlier so, concepts were replenished and got to learn lot of new things.

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