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Cover image for console.log("Hello World!");

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console.log("Hello World!");

Hey, internet stranger! My name's Mai. I've been lurking on for a while, yet kept putting writing my own posts off. Even though the whole reason for me signing up was to "learn in public", it felt intimidating. - that ends now.

Bit about myself. I've been coding my whole life, got internships as a Junior Android Developer in high school, decided to definitely pursue writing code as a career, proceeded to move to the UK to study computer science. While I excelled academically, I ended up having to drop out of my course, however, I was far from giving up.

Over the last few months, I've been studying web development (MERN stack, more heavily focusing on the R part) full-time on my own and building several side projects in attempts to get employed. 139 rejections and counting so far - seems near impossible, but I'm not giving up. I can only do this full-time as long as I can financially afford to, though. If I don't get a job coding until the end of June, the next place my CV is going is the McDonald's around the corner to keep myself afloat, and keeping coding in my free time.

I am planning to talk about my journey learning not only how to write web apps, but also the other aspects in getting employed - why I completely rewrote my CV 3 times, the various sites I am using to look for positions, and, as soon as I'm able to start actually doing it, about finding ways to network in-person and put yourself out there.

Looking forward to my time here!

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