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Michael Kasdaglis
Michael Kasdaglis

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Pythons @property vs. property()

In this blog, we will examine the use cases of Python's @property decorator versus the property() function.
In many situations, both approaches can be used to implement a property in a class, practically interchangeably. Nonetheless, they have some distinct advantages and disadvantages that we'll look a bit deeper into.

Let's first do a quick review of the syntactical differences between both approaches.

Using the @property decorator:

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, my_property):
        self.my_property = my_property

    def my_property(self):
        return self._my_property

    def my_property(self, value):
        self._my_property = value
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Using the property() function:

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, my_property):
        self.my_property = my_property

    def get_my_property(self):
        return self._my_property

    def set_my_property(self, value):
        self._my_property = value

    my_property = property(get_my_property, set_my_property)
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As you can see, the @property decorator allows you to define the getter and setter methods within the class using method definitions with the same name as the attribute.

On the other hand, the property() function requires you to define separate getter and setter methods and assigns them using the property() function.

Both approaches achieve the same result, allowing you to define a property. Typically, the choice between using the @property decorator or the property() function depends on your preferred coding style. However, specific use cases may demand the use of one approach over the other.

For example:

The @property decorator is commonly used when you want to provide a convenient way to access class attributes as if they were regular attributes, without explicitly calling a method. It's especially useful when you want to perform calculations or validation each time the attribute is accessed. The @property decorator allows you to define getter methods in a clean and concise manner. However, one downside is that it limits your control over attribute setting and deletion, as you cannot define separate setter and delete methods for the property.

The property() function is beneficial when you need greater flexibility and customization options for your property. It enables you to define separate getter, setter, and deleter methods, allowing you to add validation, conversion, or additional logic during property access, assignment, and deletion. However, one downside is that the property() function requires more verbose syntax, as each getter, setter, and deleter method needs to be defined explicitly, which can make the code less concise and thus slightly less readable.

In conclusion, both the property decorator and function tend to be two roads to the same destination, but it is helpful to know each ways benefits and deficits and keep them in mind as you code.

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