Hey! So I'm trying to setup my week so I can publish this 3 days earlier. I'm trying to get back to doing this Friday nights.
Before I continue. This is last weeks article.

Articles that made my Week #005 & #006 ðŸ¤
Daniel Madalitso Phiri ・ Mar 15 '20
Sort of looking back to why I started doing this. I wanted to be consistent and intentional with what I'm consuming and doing this every week was my way of remaining aligned with my goals both professionally and personally. I love doing it, I go back and read the ones I've done before this. Lately though life has just been harder than usual and even though routine in a time like this has been advised. It is insanely hard to follow at the moment. I won't lie... I didn't read much this week. I've been battling with very unexpected rejections, having to self isolate. It's a hard time for everyone, sending out good vibes!
Back to this, I use this as a diary. I gauge past week, like Dev as a Diary (DaaD) and I guess this is just a reflection of where I'm at. I want to use this as a reset for the week. Rekindling the flame! I'll share articles I've written recently and hopefully they can make your week.

Vuex: Why We Need SPA State Management
Daniel Madalitso Phiri ・ Mar 12 '20

Dynamic Styling in Vue.js: Inline CSS
Daniel Madalitso Phiri ・ Mar 5 '20

Event Triggered GraphQL: Making Static Sites Dynamic
Daniel Madalitso Phiri ・ Feb 5 '20

Building a Realtime Collaborative Microsoft Paint
Daniel Madalitso Phiri ・ Feb 12 '20
Just some of my writing over the last month.
If they do make your week. Let me know - it'll make my week. Have great one!
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