
Manas Joshi
Manas Joshi

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My experience of switching to Notion for Game Development

For the past year, I have been using Trello as my primary tool for productivity. And I was and still am extremely happy with the tool. It does a great job at keeping me productive and from going insane.

But recently, I came across a tool called Notion. I had heard about it but never bothered to check their website. This time, I did check their website, and was amazed by how versatile the tool is. It could do so much more than just Project Management. I got super excited about using it. So I created an account, logged in, only to log out 5 minutes later due to the overwhelming data.


When I logged in, it was like a whole new world. There were pages, databases, templates, plugins, integrations. It was too much for my brain to process.

So after staying away from Notion for 1 week, I calmed my brain and said, "Okay, let's do this, one step at a time.". And it worked! I was able to figure out Notion's entire database schema within a few minutes of reading. This made me realise 2 things.

  1. The Notion schema is simple, yet incredibly genius.
  2. Notion feels like a lot at first, but if you give it time, you can easily master it and use it to improve your productivity.

Fast-forward to present day, I am doing pretty much everything except coding on Notion for Game Development. (Frankly, I won't be surprised if they add a Unity plugin 😅). My kanban development boards, documentations, and everything else is on Notion.

I highly recommend Notion if you need a tool which does more than task-tracking, even if you aren't into Game Development. The way I see it, it could be used for blogging, project management, documentation, personal life, family activities, and more. It proves worthy of being the Swiss knife of keeping a track of your life.

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