☞ What is a Top-Level Domain?
Before digging into the pros and cons of .com vs other TLDs, here's a brief refresher on domain name terminology.
A top-level domain or TLD is last segment of domain name. For example, the most common TLD is .com. Other popular TLDs include .gov, .net, and .edu. There are also country-code top-level domains (ccTLDs) like .ca(Canada), .uk(United Kingdom), and .in(India).
☞ Do TLDs matter in SEO?
One of the most commonly asked questions about new TLDs is whether they affect SEO. Here's a direct, quote from Google's Guide on Traditional vs New Domain Endings.
"Using a new domain ending will not hurt your search presence."
.com domains do not rank higher in search due to their TLD. However, they might indirectly rank higher due to Google's preference for aged brands. And seeing that .com domains still make up 46.8% of ranked TLD usage per W3Techs, most aged brands are likely to be .coms
So if you're looking to purchase an existing website, a .com domain name might indirectly provide more search value.
☞ What is .com domain named extension ?
A domain name is your website’s address on the internet. Domain names always have an extension. This is sometimes also called a TLD, which stands for Top Level Domain. For instance: --> example.com --> example.org, etc.
You can choose from a wide range of domain extensions when making your own website. However, extensions were created for different types of websites. They have specific meanings. You need to choose a domain name extension that fits your business while helping you build a recognizable brand in your industry.
The domain name .com is a top-level domain ( TLD ) in the Domain name system of the Internet. In 1985 .com was introduced from word commercial with the purpose for domains registered by commercial organizations. But as time changed it became open for general purpose.
As domains were not having any restrictions till the mid-1990s. So many companies used to register for domains all over the world. Many companies use their country name as their top-level domain. For example, .com.au for Australia, .com.gr for Greece, .com.il for Israel, .com .cn for China and many more.
☞ How you should choose the .com Domain?
The .com domain extension has been synonymous with the internet since the “dot-com bubble” in the late 1990s. Over 40% of all registered domain names are .com domains. It’s much easier for people to remember a .com domain name than any other domain extension. It’s familiar and reassuring, plus it makes your site look professional.
Also, most mobile keyboards have a dedicated .com button. You won’t find that for .net (or any other extension). There’s just one problem. You’ve probably noticed that .com domain names are so popular that it feels like all the good ones are already taken !
Still there are certain ways to select good domain for .com extension :~
- Try whether your domain name represents your business or the purpose that you want to serve. For example: if your business is related to sell electronics products, then rather than using electronics.com, you can use mylatestelectronics.com or a similar type that can make your domain unique.
- Sometimes it might be possible that you can't find any unique name then best practice is to add the unique word as prefix or suffix in your domain that might be your name or place where you live i.e. maybe a landmark.
- Make sure your domain name is easily pronounced. Try to avoid the use of hyphens or numbers in your domain name so that it can easily searchable.
- Make sure you take full advantage of online free domain generator like wordpress, wix, etc
☞ Will non-dotcom TLD help or hurt your companys's brand?
- A non-dotcom TLD will help customers remember your brand and serve as a unique differentiation.
- A non-dotcom TLD will help customers remember your brand seem suspect and less reputable
- Customer's won't notice your TLD or won't care about it.
As mentioned in a Forbes article and accompanying tweet, Graham said
“All other things being equal, .com domain names are preferable, and things are way more equal than people attached to their current name realize.” He also stated that “dot-com domains are probably more important for B2B, because there you need the legitimacy.”
☞ Prons of using .com .!

Sounds more trustworthy: Non tech savvy users would never use alternative to .com because of trust issues.
Very easy to remember: People are accustomed to using .com to visit most of their favorite sites.
Makes your site seem more authoritative: In many cases, people will automatically assume .com domains are more serious.
Fortunately, using alternatives to .com is no longer the kiss of death for a website. There are plenty of TLDs that, while not as popular as .com, are reputable enough for a serious site.
" In my opinion, having a brand that you believe in is way more important than settling on a name due to a concept that’s quickly becoming obsolete. Having a new TLD might even make your brand stand out."
☞ So should I still choose a .com domain for my business?
" In my opinion, having a brand that you believe in is way more important than settling on a name due to a concept that’s quickly becoming obsolete. Having a new TLD might even make your brand stand out."
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