Hello programmers, hope you are all doing fantastic!🥳 .We all know that Readme file is crucial for any repository, it serves as a user manual and helps us in getting started.
This action makes the best use of Readme file to show the trajectory of stock prices in order to gauge your company’s general health.
What I Built?
AlphaVantage Action Bot is a Github action that renders the realtime chart of a stock/cryptocurrency inside the readme file. We will be using the Alpha Vantage Public Stock APIs to build the action bot. You may also check out this finance API guide that surveys some of the popular stock and crypto data APIs in the market.
Submission Category:
Wacky Wildcards
- BITCOIN open price trajectory
- close price trajectory of APPLE
- Market Capital(USD) of BTC
How to Setup?
This action could be adopted easily into your project in just 3 steps...
Step 1 - Adding script file into your repo.
This step is pretty simple, all you need to do is..
- Create folder named
in the root of your repo. - Inside
folder, add a new python script file with namealphavantage-bot.py
and paste the complete code below
import pandas, os, random | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
from datetime import datetime | |
from alpha_vantage.timeseries import TimeSeries | |
from alpha_vantage.cryptocurrencies import CryptoCurrencies | |
####### Values could be customized (Right now we are choosing random values) ############ | |
CHARTDOMAIN = random.choice(['stock', 'cryptocurrency']) | |
REQ_TYPE = random.choice(['intraday', 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly']) | |
SYMBOL = random.choice(['MSFT', 'AAPL', 'AMZN', 'GOOGL', 'FB', 'INTC', 'CSCO', 'CMCSA', 'PEP', 'ADBE', 'NVDA', 'NFLX', 'PYPL', 'COST', 'SBUX', 'QCOM', 'INTU', 'TMUS']) | |
# Stock Symbol | |
INTERVAL = random.choice([1, 5, 15, 30, 60]) | |
OUTPUTSIZE = 'full' | |
#['compact', 'full'] are the other options. | |
PATHTOCHART = './alphavantage' | |
GRIDVIEW = True | |
PLOT = random.choice(['close', 'open', 'high', 'low']) | |
COLOR = random.choice(['blue', 'green', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'black', 'yellow', 'orange']) | |
# Line inside Readme at which the chart to be rendered. | |
################### If CHARTDOMAIN is set to 'cryptocurrency' then edit these below (Right now we are choosing random values) #################################### | |
CRYPTOSYMBOL = random.choice(['BTC', 'ETH']) | |
# Cryptocurrency symbol | |
CRYPTOMARKET = random.choice(['USD', 'CNY']) | |
CRYPTOINTERVAL = random.choice(['daily', 'weekly', 'monthly']) | |
CRYPTOPLOT = random.choice(['close', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'marketcapital']) | |
############# Value customization end ################# | |
API_KEY = os.environ['ALPHA_VANTAGE_KEY'] | |
def setup_request_object(request, symbol, interval): | |
if CHARTDOMAIN == 'stock': | |
try: | |
ts = TimeSeries(API_KEY, output_format='pandas', indexing_type='date') | |
except: | |
print("Error occurred/ Number of API calls exhausted") | |
return [False, False] | |
if request == 'intraday': return ['intraday', ts] | |
if request == 'daily': return ['daily', ts] | |
if request == 'weekly': return ['weekly', ts] | |
if request == 'monthly': return ['monthly', ts] | |
return [False, False] | |
if CHARTDOMAIN == 'cryptocurrency': | |
try: | |
cc = CryptoCurrencies(key=API_KEY, output_format='pandas') | |
except: | |
print("Error occurred/ Number of API calls exhausted") | |
return [False, False] | |
if CRYPTOINTERVAL == 'daily': return ['daily', cc] | |
if CRYPTOINTERVAL == 'weekly': return ['weekly', cc] | |
if CRYPTOINTERVAL == 'monthly': return ['monthly', cc] | |
return [False, False] | |
def make_request(type, object): | |
if CHARTDOMAIN == 'stock': | |
if type == 'intraday': | |
interval = str(INTERVAL)+'min' | |
return object.get_intraday(symbol=SYMBOL, interval=interval, outputsize=OUTPUTSIZE) | |
if type == 'daily': | |
return object.get_daily(symbol=SYMBOL) | |
if type == 'weekly': | |
return object.get_weekly(symbol=SYMBOL) | |
if type == 'monthly': | |
return object.get_monthly(symbol=SYMBOL) | |
if CHARTDOMAIN == 'cryptocurrency': | |
if type == 'daily': | |
return object.get_digital_currency_daily(symbol=CRYPTOSYMBOL, market=CRYPTOMARKET) | |
if type == 'weekly': | |
return object.get_digital_currency_weekly(symbol=CRYPTOSYMBOL, market=CRYPTOMARKET) | |
if type == 'monthly': | |
return object.get_digital_currency_monthly(symbol=CRYPTOSYMBOL, market=CRYPTOMARKET) | |
def save_chart(values, crypto_market): | |
chart_save_path = PATHTOCHART + '/chart.png' | |
# Clear previous chart | |
if os.path.exists(chart_save_path): | |
os.remove(chart_save_path) | |
print("Old chart removed") | |
#Get Timestamps | |
now = datetime.now().strftime("%b %d, %Y(%H:%M:%S)") | |
# Set plot dimensions | |
fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(12, 8)) | |
ax = fig.add_subplot() | |
# Save new chart | |
if CHARTDOMAIN == 'stock': | |
if PLOT == 'open': plot = '1. open' | |
if PLOT == 'high': plot = '2. high' | |
if PLOT == 'low': plot = '3. low' | |
if PLOT == 'close': plot = '4. close' | |
ax.set_title( | |
"Latest Data -> OPEN : {} | HIGH : {} | LOW : {} | CLOSE : {} \n\n {} {} value chart of {} - Last updated at {}" | |
.format(values['1. open'][0], values['2. high'][0], values['3. low'][0], values['4. close'][0], REQ_TYPE, PLOT, SYMBOL, now) | |
) | |
values[plot].plot(color=COLOR) | |
plt.ylabel('Price in USD') | |
plt.xlabel('TimeFrame') | |
if GRIDVIEW: plt.grid() | |
plt.savefig(chart_save_path) | |
print("Saved new chart") | |
if CHARTDOMAIN == 'cryptocurrency': | |
if CRYPTOPLOT == 'open' and crypto_market == 'CNY': plot = '1a. open (CNY)' | |
if CRYPTOPLOT == 'open' and crypto_market == 'USD': plot = '1b. open (USD)' | |
if CRYPTOPLOT == 'high' and crypto_market == 'CNY': plot = '2a. high (CNY)' | |
if CRYPTOPLOT == 'high' and crypto_market == 'USD': plot = '2b. high (USD)' | |
if CRYPTOPLOT == 'low' and crypto_market == 'CNY': plot = '3a. low (CNY)' | |
if CRYPTOPLOT == 'low' and crypto_market == 'USD': plot = '3b. low (USD)' | |
if CRYPTOPLOT == 'close' and crypto_market == 'CNY': plot = '4a. close (CNY)' | |
if CRYPTOPLOT == 'close' and crypto_market == 'USD': plot = '4b. close (USD)' | |
if CRYPTOPLOT == 'marketcapital': | |
plot = '6. market cap (USD)' | |
crypto_market = 'USD' | |
if crypto_market == 'CNY': | |
ax.set_title( | |
"Latest Data({} market) -> OPEN : {} | HIGH : {} | LOW : {} | CLOSE : {} \n\n {} {} value chart of {} - Last updated at {}" | |
.format(crypto_market, values['1a. open (CNY)'][0], values['2a. high (CNY)'][0], values['3a. low (CNY)'][0], values['4a. close (CNY)'][0], CRYPTOINTERVAL, CRYPTOPLOT, CRYPTOSYMBOL, now) | |
) | |
if crypto_market == 'USD': | |
ax.set_title( | |
"Latest Data({} market) -> OPEN : {} | HIGH : {} | LOW : {} | CLOSE : {} \n\n {} {} value chart of {} - Last updated at {}" | |
.format(crypto_market, values['1b. open (USD)'][0], values['2b. high (USD)'][0], values['3b. low (USD)'][0], values['4b. close (USD)'][0], CRYPTOINTERVAL, CRYPTOPLOT, CRYPTOSYMBOL, now) | |
) | |
values[plot].plot(color=COLOR) | |
plt.ylabel('Price') | |
plt.xlabel('TimeFrame') | |
if GRIDVIEW: plt.grid() | |
plt.savefig(chart_save_path) | |
print("Saved new chart") | |
def rewrite_readme(): | |
alt_text = 'AlphaVantage-Action-Bot-Chart' | |
now = datetime.now().strftime("%b %d, %Y(%H:%M:%S)") | |
promote_text = "**Realtime Stock/Crytpocurrency Chart📈 Rendered By [AlphaVantage-Action-Bot](https://github.com/manojnaidu619/AlphaVantage-Action-Bot) | Last updated the above chart on {} **".format(now) | |
code_line = f'' | |
readme = './README.md' | |
line = RENDERLINE-1 | |
parsed_data = [] | |
def insert_string(array, pos, data): | |
array.insert(pos, "{} \n".format(data)) | |
array.insert(pos + 1, "{} \n".format(promote_text)) | |
with open(readme, 'r') as file: data = file.readlines() | |
for index, x in enumerate(data): | |
to_remove = False | |
if x.startswith("![{}]".format(alt_text)): to_remove = True | |
if x.startswith('**Realtime Stock/Crytpocurrency Chart'): to_remove = True | |
if not to_remove: parsed_data.append(x) | |
data = parsed_data | |
insert_string(data, line, code_line) | |
with open(readme, 'w') as file: file.writelines( data ) | |
# Driver Code | |
request_type, request_object = setup_request_object(REQ_TYPE, SYMBOL, INTERVAL) | |
if (request_type != False and request_object != False): | |
values, columns = make_request(request_type, request_object) | |
save_chart(values, CRYPTOMARKET) | |
rewrite_readme() | |
- From line 8-50, the variables could be customized to requirements.
So now, your repo will contain a python script file, whose path is
. It should look like this...
Step 2 - Adding AlphaVantage API key to repo secrets.
- Since we are using AlphaVantage's API to get the data, we need to obtain API key from them to utilize their service. Click here to get API key.
After filling the basic details, you should get your API key instantly.
- Now, paste the API key inside your repo secrets with the name
Step 3 - Setup Workflow file(Final step, yay!).
Paste the below code inside
name: AlphaVantage-Action-Bot
- cron: "*/30 * * * *"
# Runs every 30th minute
# Could be customized to requirement
# To know more about crontabs refer https://crontab.guru/
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: checkout repo content
uses: actions/checkout@v2 # checkout the repository content to github runner.
- name: setup python
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: 3.8 #install the python needed
- name: Install dependencies
run: python -m pip install --upgrade pip matplotlib pandas alpha_vantage
- name: execute python script
run: python ./alphavantage/alphavantage-bot.py
- name: Commit and push if changed
run: |
git add .
git diff
git config --global user.email "alphavantage-action-bot@example.com"
git config --global user.name "AlphaVantage Action Bot"
git commit -m "AlphaVantage Action Bot Updated README" -a || echo "No changes to commit"
git push
Now, your workflow file's path should like something like this...
Congrats! You have successfully set up the workflow 😎
Link to Code
A github action to render real-time stocks/cryptocurrency charts inside readme
A github action to render real-time stocks/cryptocurrency charts inside readme
**Realtime Stock/Crytpocurrency Chart📈 Rendered By AlphaVantage-Action-Bot | Last updated the above chart on Oct 07, 2024(00:57:34) **
Hello programmers, hope you are all doing fantastic!🥳 .We all know that Readme file is crucial for any repository, it serves as a user manual and helps us in getting started.
This action makes the best use of readme file to show the trajectory of stock prices in order to gauge your company’s general health.
📌 Click on DEV logo below to view detailed article
What Is it?
AlphaVantage Action Bot is a Github action that renders the realtime chart of a stock/cryptocurrency inside the readme file. We will be using the Alpha Vantage Public Stock APIs to build the action bot. You may also check out this finance API guide that surveys some of the popular stock and crypto data APIs…
Additional Resources / Info
Special Thanks to the AlphaVantage team for reaching me out on this article✌️
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