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Oldest comments (4)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I tend to get involved (as a lurker) on things that are super new and don't have much docs, so I lurked in the MRSK discord (since renamed Kamal).

GitHub logo basecamp / kamal

Deploy web apps anywhere.

Kamal: Deploy web apps anywhere

From bare metal to cloud VMs using Docker, deploy web apps anywhere with zero downtime. Kamal uses the dynamic reverse-proxy Traefik to hold requests, while the new app container is started and the old one is stopped — working seamlessly across multiple hosts, using SSHKit to execute commands. Originally built for Rails apps, Kamal will work with any type of web app that can be containerized with Docker.

➡️ See for documentation on installation, configuration, and commands.

Contributing to the documentation

Please help us improve Kamal's documentation on the the basecamp/kamal-site repository.


Kamal is released under the MIT License.

I'm not actually doing anything with the project so I haven't really engaged more, but if I were to circle back to it, I think connecting with the pulse is important when things are still "unsettled".

But generally I spend more of my time in more mature libs where that synchronous communication isn't as important.

marcin_codes profile image

Thanks for your comment, Ben. Kamal seems like a great tool, I'm personally not very good at infrastructure so every tool that help is very precious

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕

Yeeep on Nuxt and Astro communities. A good method to ask help and speak with others Devs and also team!

marcin_codes profile image

Lovely, Nuxt and Astro teams have many very talented people