
Cover image for Tutorial: Publish a Quarkus application in Kubernetes, Minikube and Dockerhub
Marcus Paulo
Marcus Paulo

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Tutorial: Publish a Quarkus application in Kubernetes, Minikube and Dockerhub


This is my first English post, then please give me your feedback, and suggestion to correct any mistakes.


The article purpose to create a simple application in Quakus and publish in Minikube (Kubernetes for the local test) and finally publish the image Docker to in Dockerhub.

For more information on these technologies: Kubernetes (K8S), Docker, Minikube, Kubectl e do Quarkus, please visit these sites:




Minikube (Kubernetes):


Minikube is local Kubernetes, focusing on making it easy to learn and develop for Kubernetes. It is not recommending to production environment.


Let’s go! We will create a new simple Quarkus application.

Create a simple Quarkus application by command line

mvn io.quarkus:quarkus-maven-plugin:1.13.0.Final:create \\\\ \\\\    -DprojectArtifactId=kubernetes-quarkus \\\\    -DclassName="" \\\\    -Dpath="/hello" \\\\    -Dextensions="resteasy,kubernetes,jib"
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Access the project folder

cd kubernetes-quarkus
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In the next step, let’s go to test the project

mvn quarkus:dev
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Result in terminal (console)

Running Quarkus application by command line

Running Quarkus application by command line

mvn quarkus:add-extension -Dextensions="quarkus-minikube"
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Or you can insert in pom.xml

<dependency>  <groupId>io.quarkus</groupId>  <artifactId>quarkus-minikube</artifactId></dependency>
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It is possible to create Quarkus application by command line, adding Minikube extensions.

Creating a local Container Registry in Minikube

It is necessary to set the environment variable with “eval” command.

eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env)
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Create Docker image with Quarkus by command line

Next step, create a maven package with Quarkus parameter to build a container image.

mvn package
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Kubernetes and Minikube manifest create

After execute the last command, maven and Quarkus will create the manifest files, located in the folder “/target/kubernetes”, as you see in the image below.*4sKtcmd1jXa3qd4Kf1B5aw.png

List of all docker images

//List all docker imagesdocker image ls
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[output]REPOSITORY                        TAG              IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZEmarcus/kubernetes-quarkus-teste   1.0.0-SNAPSHOT   e574987218c4   3 minutes ago   199MB
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In the next step, we need to apply Minikube manifest to publish in Minikube Kubernetes

kubectl apply -f target/kubernetes/minikube.yml
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[output]service/kubernetes-quarkus-teste createddeployment.apps/kubernetes-quarkus-teste created
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After a few seconds or minutes, the application is available on Minikube,

Pods are the smallest, most basic deployable objects in Kubernetes (

List of all pods

kubectl get po
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[output]NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGEkubernetes-quarkus-teste-54db4f8df8-gf7nf   1/1     Running   0          6m52s
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Access the application at the local machine

To access on the local machine, it is required to redirect Minikube address to localhost, type this command. (Each Pod there is a unique name)

kubectl port-forward pod/kubernetes-quarkus-teste-54db4f8df8-gf7nf 8080:8080
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[output]Forwarding from -> 8080Forwarding from [::1]:8080 -> 8080Handling connection for 8080
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Access application in browser

Open your browser and insert this address:[http://localhost:8080](http://localhost:8080)*7Stxh1OQC1cC2YdXiDMIoQ.png

Publish the image to Dockerhub

From now, we are sending our docker image to Dockerhub, with maven command and Quarkus parameter (container image).

mvn clean package -Dquarkus.container-image.push=true
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In my case, it happened this error

Caused by: for[ERROR]         at[ERROR]
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For fix this problem, please follow these steps:

1 — Type this command to login on Dockerhub services

docker login
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2 — The local Docker image was created with username machine, in my case is marcus/kubernetes-quarkus, but the correct Dockerhub username is marcuspaulo.

Inside the Quarkus project, search file and insert the line above (with your Dockerhub username)
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Publish in the Dockerhub

mvn clean package -Dquarkus.container-image.push=true
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Now, open your browser and access this address:

I hope that you enjoy this tutorial. Thanks for your attention. Please like and share this post. See you soon.

Source code


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