Last time I blogged about my basic nvim settings, this time I would like to share all the plugins I use as a heads-up-display when editing text.
1) vim-airline/vim-airline
will draw a statusline at the bottom of each window indicating information relevant to file itself, like detected type, encoding, path and vim stuff like modes, pressed keys or columns number.
is the foundation for literally all the plugins I currently use that are going to be listed below.
2) ryanoasis/vim-devicons
adds file type icons to vim, usually displayed on the statusline and in combination with other plugins like controlp
. A really important thing about this plugin is the that you must use a patched nerd font compatible one. My current favorite is Fura Code, I also enable ligatures on iterm2 when selecting this font.
3) airblade/vim-gitgutter
shows a git diff in the gutter to indicate added, changes and removed lines.
The configuration I use is:
set updatetime=500
4) mkitt/tabline.vim
allows displaying succint tabs and as expected it supports the usual g
commands to navigate them.
5) NLKNguyen/papercolor-theme
defines color schemes. The configuration I use is:
set termguicolors
set background=dark
colorscheme PaperColor
In practice all of this combined looks like this!
Productivity plugins are next!

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