If you are just starting off with React, this article is well worth your time to read and bookmark. These 20 React Github repositories will undoubtedly assist you in becoming a React Master.
I'm a full-time Freelancer. Hire me on Upwork.
Table of Contents
- Awesome React ⭐ Github Stars: 49k +
- React in Patterns ⭐ Github Stars: 11k +
- 30 Days Of React
- Real-world React Apps
- React Bits
- React & Redux in TypeScript of Complete Guide
- Awesome React Components
- Ahooks
- Beautiful React Hooks
- React Use
- UseHooks
- React TypeScript Cheatsheets
- ReactJS coding challenges
- React Interview Questions & Answers
- 30 seconds of react
- React Hooks Cheatsheet
- React/Redux Links
- React Developer Roadmap
- Awesome React Hooks
- Awesome Next.js
Awesome React
⭐ Github Stars: 49k +
A collection of awesome things regarding the React ecosystem.
A collection of awesome things regarding React ecosystem
A collection of awesome things regarding the React ecosystem.
- React General Resources
- React Tutorials
- React Development Tools
- React Frameworks
- React Component Libraries
- React State Management and Data Fetching
- React Styling
- React Routing
- React Libraries
- React Testing
- React Awesome Components
- React Components Sandboxes
- React Forms
- React Tables and Grids
- React Maps
- React Charts
- React Renderers
- React Internationalization
- React Graphics and Animations
- React Integration
- React Real Apps
- React Native
- Contribution
React General Resources
- React Official Website
- React GitHub
- Reactiflux Discord Channel
- React Community
- React Conferences
- React CodeSandbox Playground
React Tutorials
- React Official Tutorial
- Using React in Visual Studio Code
- React Interview Questions & Answers
- Design patterns and Component patterns for building powerful Web Apps
- A simple, scalable, and powerful architecture for building production ready React applications
- Cheatsheets for experienced React developers getting started with…
React in Patterns
⭐ Github stars: 11k +
📚 A free book about design patterns/techniques used while developing with React.
A free book that talks about design patterns/techniques used while developing with React.
React in patterns
📚 A free book that talks about design patterns/techniques used while developing with React.
- Communication
- Event handlers
- Composition
- Controlled and uncontrolled inputs
- Presentational and container components
Data flow
Source code
The code samples used in the book are available here.
Other resources
30 Days Of React
⭐ Github stars: 4k +
30 Days of React challenge is a step-by-step guide to learning React in 30 days. It requires HTML, CSS, and JavaScript knowledge. It would be best if you were comfortable with JavaScript before starting React.
30 Days of React challenge is a step by step guide to learn React in 30 days. These videos may help too: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7PNRuno1rzYPb1xLa4yktw
# Day | Topics |
00 |
Introduction How to Use Repo Requirements Setup |
01 | JavaScript Refresher |
02 | Getting Started React |
03 | Setting Up |
04 | Components |
05 | Props |
06 | List, Map and Keys |
07 | Class Components |
08 | States |
09 | Conditional Rendering |
10 | React Project Folder Structure |
11 | Events |
12 | Forms |
13 | Controlled and Uncontrolled Component |
14 | Component Life Cycles |
15 | Third Party Packages |
16 | Higher Order Components |
17 | React Router |
18 | Fetch versus Axios |
19 | Projects |
20 | Projects |
21 | Hooks |
22 | Forms Using Hook |
23 | Fetching Data Using Hooks |
24 | Project using Hooks |
25 | Custom Hooks |
26 | Context |
27 | Ref |
28 | project |
29 | Explore |
30 | Conclusions |
Real-world React Apps
⭐ Github stars: 2k +
Real-world React apps and their open-source codebases for developers to learn from.
Real world React apps and their open source codebases for developers to learn from
Real world React apps
Real world React apps and their open source codebases for developers to learn from
Learn from React apps written by experienced developers.
You'll find the source code for the apps in the apps/
Thank you to every developer who has worked on a project this repo links to, your work is helping developers learn React.
How to install on your computer
# Clone this git repo:
git clone git@github.com:jeromedalbert/real-world-react-apps.git
cd real-world-react-apps/
# The apps are linked to as git submodules.
# This will take some time... (see comment below for possible speedup)
git submodule update --init
# OR if you've got git 2.9+ installed try to run updates in parallel:
# git submodule update --init --jobs 4
How you can analyze the apps
Some of the examples below use ag, but could just as well use grep or equivalent.
Global searches
# Look for
…React Bits
⭐ Github stars: 12k +
✨ React patterns, techniques, tips, and tricks ✨
✨ React patterns, techniques, tips and tricks ✨
A compilation of React Patterns, techniques, tips and tricks.
Gitbook format: https://vasanthk.gitbooks.io/react-bits
Github repo: https://github.com/vasanthk/react-bits
Your contributions are heartily ♡ welcome. (✿◠‿◠)
Translations by community:
- 中文版 (Chinese): react-bits-cn
- 한국어 (Korean): react-bits-ko
- Design Patterns and Techniques
- Conditional in JSX
- Async Nature Of setState()
- Dependency Injection
- Context Wrapper
- Event Handlers
- Flux Pattern
- One Way Data Flow
- Presentational vs Container
- Third Party Integration
- Passing Function To setState()
- Decorators
- Feature Flags
- Component Switch
- Reaching Into A Component
- List Components
- Format Text via Component
- Share Tracking Logic
- Anti-Patterns
- Handling UX Variations
- Perf Tips
- Styling
React & Redux in TypeScript of Complete Guide
⭐ Github stars: 12k +
A comprehensive approach to utilizing TypeScript for static input in React and Redux apps. This tutorial details the most significant patterns and secrets for using TypeScript to leverage React (and its ecosystem) in a functional approach. It will assist you in making your code completely type-safe while focusing on inferring types from implementation.
The complete guide to static typing in "React & Redux" apps using TypeScript
React & Redux in TypeScript - Complete Guide
"This guide is a living compendium documenting the most important patterns and recipes on how to use React (and its Ecosystem) in a functional style using TypeScript. It will help you make your code completely type-safe while focusing on inferring the types from implementation so there is less noise coming from excessive type annotations and it's easier to write and maintain correct types in the long run."
Found it useful? Want more updates?
Show your support by giving a ⭐
What's new?
🎉 Now updated to support TypeScript v4.6 🎉
🚀 _Updated to typesafe-actions@5.x
- Complete type safety (with
flag) without losing type information downstream through all the layers of our application (e.g. no type assertions or hacking withany
type) - Make type annotations concise by eliminating redundancy in types using advanced TypeScript Language features like Type Inference and…
Awesome React Components
⭐ Github stars: 3k +
This is an AWESOME list of components. No, this is not an exhaustive list of every React component under the sun. So, what exactly does “great” mean? Well:
- It addresses a genuine issue.
- It performs things in an unusual, attractive, or extraordinary manner. (And it’s not very well-known or popular… there’s no use in including those.)
- It has recently committed code!
- For genuinely great creations, look for a. In addition, watch for quickie maintainer remarks and reviews in (italic parens) after several note listings.
Curated List of React Components & Libraries.
🚀 Absolutely Awesome React Components & Libraries
This is a list of AWESOME components. Nope, it's NOT a comprehensive list of every React component under the sun. So, what does "awesome" mean? Well:
- It solves a real problem
- It does so in a 🦄 unique, 🦋 beautiful, or 🏆 exceptional way. (And it's not super popular and well-known... no point in listing those.)
- It has recent code commits!
Look for a 🚀 for truly amazing projects. And look for quickie maintainer commentary and reviews in (italic parens) after some listings of note.
- @petebray, author of Fluxguard — monitor PROD website changes.
- @brillout, author of vite-plugin-ssr (like Next.js / Nuxt but as do-one-thing-do-it-well Vite plugin) and Telefunc (remote functions instead of APIs).
Please review our contributing guidelines. We keep this list fresh by requiring all PRs to remove one or more non-awesome entries from this list…
⭐ Github stars: 10k +
A high-quality & reliable React Hooks library.
- Easy to learn and use
- Supports SSR
- Special treatment for functions, avoid closure problems
- It contains a large number of advanced Hooks that are refined from business scenarios
- Includes a comprehensive collection of bare Hooks
- Written in TypeScript with predictable, static types
📚 Documentation
✨ Features
- Easy to learn and use
- Supports SSR
- Special treatment for functions, avoid closure problems
- Contains a large number of advanced Hooks that are refined from business scenarios
- Contains a comprehensive collection of basic Hooks
- Written in TypeScript with predictable static types
📦 Install
$ npm install --save ahooks
# or
$ yarn add ahooks
# or
$ pnpm add ahooks
# or
$ bun add ahooks
🔨 Usage
import { useRequest } from 'ahooks';
💻 Online Demo
🤝 Contributing
$ git clone git@github.com:alibaba/hooks.git
$ cd hooks
$ pnpm run init
$ pnpm start
Open your browser and visit
We welcome all contributions, please read our CONTRIBUTING.MD first, let's build a better hooks library together.
Thanks to all the contributors:
👥 Discuss
Beautiful React Hooks
⭐ Github stars: 5.7k +
A collection of attractive and (hopefully) useful React hooks to help you write components and hooks faster.
🔥 A collection of beautiful and (hopefully) useful React hooks to speed-up your components and hooks development 🔥
A collection of tailor-made React hooks to enhance your development process and make it faster
🇬🇧 English | 🇨🇳 简体中文 | 🇮🇹 Italiano | 🇪🇸 Español | 🇺🇦 Ukrainian | 🇧🇷 Brazilian Portuguese | 🇵🇱 Polski | 🇯🇵 日本語 | 🇹🇷 Türkçe
💡 Why?
Custom React hooks allow developers to abstract the business logic of components into single, reusable functions.
I have noticed that many of the hooks I have created and shared across projects involve callbacks, references, events, and dealing with the
component lifecycle.
Therefore, I have created beautiful-react-hooks
, a collection of useful React hooks that may
help other developers speed up their development process.
Moreover, I have strived to create a concise and practical API that emphasizes code readability, while keeping the learning curve as low as
possible, making it suitable for larger teams to use and share
-- Please before using…
React Use
⭐ Github stars: 30k +
The essential collection of custom React Hooks, complete with documentation.
Collection of essential React Hooks Port of
Translations: 🇨🇳 汉语
npm i react-use
— tracks device battery state. -
— tracks geo location state of user's device. -
— tracks mouse hover state of some element. -
— tracks location hash value. -
— tracks whether user is being inactive. -
— tracks an HTML element's intersection. -
, anduseKeyPressEvent
— track keys. -
— tracks page navigation bar location state. -
— tracks long press gesture of some element. -
— tracks state of a CSS media query. -
— tracks state of connected hardware devices. -
— tracks state of device's motion sensor. -
— tracks state of mouse position. -
— tracks deltaY of scrolled mouse wheel. -
— tracks the state of browser's network connection. -
— tracks…
⭐ Github stars: 3.6k +
Recipes for React Hook code that are simple to grasp.
A collection of modern, server-safe React hooks – from the ui.dev team.
Compatible with React v18.0.0+.
npm i @uidotdev/usehooks
- useBattery
- useClickAway
- useCopyToClipboard
- useCounter
- useDebounce
- useDefault
- useDocumentTitle
- useFavicon
- useGeolocation
- useHistoryState
- useHover
- useIdle
- useIntersectionObserver
- useIsClient
- useIsFirstRender
- useList
- useLocalStorage
- useLockBodyScroll
- useLongPress
- useMap
- useMeasure
- useMediaQuery
- useMouse
- useNetworkState
- useObjectState
- useOrientation
- usePreferredLanguage
- usePrevious
- useQueue
- useRenderCount
- useRenderInfo
- useScript
- useSessionStorage
- useSet
- useThrottle
- useToggle
- useVisibilityChange
- useWindowScroll
- useWindowSize
npm i @uidotdev/usehooks@experimental react@experimental react-dom@experimental
React TypeScript Cheatsheets
⭐ Github stars: 34.8k +
Cheatsheets for experienced React developers getting started with TypeScript.
Cheatsheets for experienced React developers getting started with TypeScript
React+TypeScript Cheatsheets
Cheatsheets for experienced React developers getting started with TypeScript

Web docs | Español | Português | Contribute! | Ask!
👋 This repo is maintained by @swyx, @eps1lon and @filiptammergard. We're so happy you want to try out TypeScript with React! If you see anything wrong or missing, please file an issue! 👍
All React + TypeScript Cheatsheets
The Basic Cheatsheet is focused on helping React devs just start using TS in React apps
- Focus on opinionated best practices, copy+pastable examples.
- Explains some basic TS types usage and setup along the way.
- Answers the most Frequently Asked Questions.
- Does not cover generic type logic in detail. Instead we prefer to teach simple troubleshooting techniques for newbies.
- The goal is to get effective with TS without learning too much TS.
- The Advanced Cheatsheet helps show and explain advanced usage of generic types for people writing…
React Coding Challenges
⭐ Github stars: 1.9k +
A series of ReactJS coding challenges with a variety of difficulties.
A series of ReactJS coding challenges with a variety of difficulties.
⭐️ Looking for collaborators ⭐️
We're looking for people to come and help work on the latest challenge Coinbee. If you're interested, get in touch via our slack community or via my website alexgurr.com!
A series of ReactJS coding challenges with a variety of difficulties. Deep dive into the why here.
Interested in some React fundamentals / philosophies? Check out the react-philosophies GitHub repo.
Time To Estimate. A fun, simple way for agile teams to remotely estimate tasks together. Free, with no sign-up required.
mixmello. Create remixed versions of your favourite Spotify playlists.
The Challenges
Easy 🙂
Unnecessary re-renders, fine grained control.
Medium 😐
State / shared state, DOM manipulation.
Data visualisation and graphing. API usage.
Hard 😬
🎧 Spootify
Loading state, API usage.
🤖 Chatter
Web sockets, events, callbacks & React hooks. Talks to Botty…
React Interview Questions & Answers
⭐ Github stars: 1.9k +
List of top 500 ReactJS Interview Questions & Answers….Coding exercise questions are coming soon!!
List of top 500 ReactJS Interview Questions & Answers....Coding exercise questions are coming soon!!
React Interview Questions & Answers
Click ⭐if you like the project. Pull Request are highly appreciated. Follow me @SudheerJonna for technical updates.
- I recommend this React course if you’re serious about learning React and want to go beyond the basics
- Want to ace your coding interview and get hired at your dream company? Take this coding interview bootcamp
Note: This repository is specific to ReactJS. Please check Javascript Interview questions for core javascript questions.
Table of Contents
30 Seconds of React
⭐ Github stars: 4.3k +
Short React code snippets for all your development needs
- Visit our website to view our snippet collection.
- Use the Search page to find snippets that suit your needs. You can search by name, tag, language, or a snippet’s description. Just start typing a term and see what comes up.
- Browse the React Snippet collection to see all the snippets in this project, or click individual tags at the top of the same page to narrow your search to a specific title.
- Click on each snippet card to view the whole snippet, including code, explanation, and examples.
- You can use the button at the bottom of a snippet card to view the snippet in Codepen.
- If you like the project, give it a star. It means a lot to the people maintaining it.
Short React code snippets for all your development needs
As of May, 2023, all 30-seconds content repositories have been merged into 30-seconds-of-code.
Please watch, star and follow relevant activity there.
30 seconds of code
Short React code snippets for all your development needs
- Visit our website to view our snippet collection.
- Use the Search page to find snippets that suit your needs. You can search by name, tag, language or using a snippet's description. Just start typing a term and see what comes up.
- Browse the React Snippet collection to see all the snippets in this project or click individual tags at the top of the same page to narrow down your search to a specific tag.
- Click on each snippet card to view the whole snippet, including code, explanation and examples.
- You can use the button at the bottom of a snippet card to view the snippet in Codepen.
- If you like the project, give…
React Hooks Cheatsheet
⭐ Github stars: 655+
A Cheatsheet with live editable examples 💪
- A one-stop reference for the React hooks APIs
- Doesn’t replace the official docs.
- However, it contains actual code examples, each mimicking all APIs of hooks.
- It includes some real-world examples of cases/issues you’ll likely run into
- Most importantly, the cheatsheet contains live editable codes.
GitHub - ohansemmanuel/react-hooks-cheatsheet: 🦖 React hooks cheatsheet with live editable…
🦖 React hooks cheatsheet with live editable examples
A Cheatsheet with live editable examples 💪
- A one-stop reference for the React hooks APIs
- Doesn't replace the official docs.
- However, it contains actual code examples each mimicking all APIs of hooks.
- Contains some real world examples of cases / issues you'll likely run into
- Most importantly, the cheatsheet contains live editable codes.
- includes live examples 🙋
- Add example call signatures to all hooks
- Add more examples that explain interesting use cases from the official Hooks FAQ
Contributions of any kind are welcome. If you wanna knock off any of the todos above, please feel free to issue a PR. Got an interesting idea for the cheatsheet? Issue a PR :)
React/Redux Links
⭐ Github stars: 21.6K+
Curated tutorial and resource links I’ve collected on React, Redux, ES6, and more, meant to be a collection of high-quality articles and resources for someone who wants to learn about the React-Redux ecosystem as a source for quality information on advanced topics and techniques. Not quite “awesome,” but hopefully useful as a starting point, I can give others. Suggestions welcome.
Curated tutorial and resource links I've collected on React, Redux, ES6, and more
React/Redux Links
Curated tutorial and resource links I've collected on React, Redux, ES6, and more, meant to be a collection of high-quality articles and resources for someone who wants to learn about the React-Redux ecosystem, as well as a source for quality information on advanced topics and techniques. Not quite "awesome", but hopefully useful as a starting point I can give to others. Suggestions welcome.
Another important resource is the Reactiflux community on Discord, which has chat channels dedicated to discussion of React, Redux, and other related technologies. There's always a number of people hanging out and answering questions, and it's a great place to ask questions and learn. The invite link is at https://www.reactiflux.com.
You might also want to check out my categorized list of Redux-related addons, libraries, and utilities, at Redux Ecosystem Links. Also see Community Resources for links to other links lists, podcasts, and…
React Developer Roadmap
⭐ Github stars: 17K+
Below you can find a chart demonstrating the paths you can take and the libraries you would want to learn to become a React developer. I made this chart as a tip for everyone who asks me, “What should I learn next as a React developer?”
Roadmap to becoming a React developer
React Developer Roadmap
Roadmap to becoming a React developer in 2019:
Below you can find a chart demonstrating the paths that you can take and the libraries that you would want to learn to become a React developer. I made this chart as a tip for everyone who asks me, "What should I learn next as a React developer?"
The purpose of this roadmap is to give you an idea about the landscape. The road map will guide you if you are confused about what to learn next, rather than encouraging you to pick what is hip and trendy. You should grow some understanding of why one tool would be better suited for some cases than the other and remember hip and trendy does not always mean best suited for…
Awesome React Hooks
⭐ Github stars: 8.2K+
The essential collection of custom React Hooks, complete with documentation.
Awesome React Hooks
Awesome React Hooks Resources
- "Making Sense of React Hooks" by Dan Abramov
- "From React.Component to hooks" by Octave Raimbault
- "React Hooks: What’s going to happen to my tests?" by Kent C. Dodds
- "State Management with React Hooks - No Redux or Context API" by André Gardi
- "How to Fetch Data with React Hooks?" by Robin Wieruch
- Primer on React Hooks
- React Hooks - A deeper dive featuring useContext and useReducer
- "Using Custom React Hooks to Simplify Forms" by James King
- Testing of a Custom React Hook for Fetching Data with Axios
- The Guide to Learning React Hooks (Examples & Tutorials) by Eric Bishard
- "Sanely Testing React Hooks" by Dave Cooper
- React by Example: Hooks
- 🎬 ReactConf 2018: React Today and Tomorrow by Sophie Alpert and Dan Abramov Official announcement and first demo.
- 🎬 ReactConf 2018: 90% Cleaner React by…
Awesome Next.js
⭐ Github stars: 7.5K+
A selected assortment of books, videos, and articles about Next.js, the React server's rendering framework.
📔 📚 A curated list of awesome resources : books, videos, articles about using Next.js (A minimalistic framework for universal server-rendered React applications)
Curated list of resources: books, videos, articles about using Next.js.
Next.js: The React Framework.
List inspired by the awesome list thing. You might also like awesome-tdd.
- Instant Site Updates with On-Demand Revalidation and Directus
- Dynamic CMS-driven Redirects with Next.js
- Getting Started with Next.js, GraphQL and React Query
- Using Next.js with FaunaDB: How to Query the Database from Your App
- How to Build a Serverless Next.js Blog with ButterCMS
- Build a Universal JavaScript App with Next.js
- Getting Started with Next.js — Setting Up Your App
- Getting Started with Next.js — Bringing Data In
- How to build a Next.js React Universal App
- Next on Next.js
- Accept payments on your site with nextjs, stripe, and micro
- Next.js on…
Remote Jobs
Give Me Great Power
I'm a full-time Freelancer. Hire me on Upwork.
Writing has always been my passion, and it gives me the pleasure of helping and inspiring people. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!
Top comments (10)
really thanks :)
You're welcome.
Thanks 😊
good job, well appreciated!
You're welcome.
Build 70+ React Projects to Master React for Free
Amazing resource this was a good post.
You're welcome.
Build 70+ React Projects to Master React for Free
Thank you so much for sharing all these amazing resources! I've been looking for something like this for quite a long while :)
You're welcome!