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Martin Baun
Martin Baun

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Write the Idea Down

Did you know that the average person has around 60,000 thoughts per day?

And if you’re an overthinker like me, that number shoots up to a whopping 200,000!

Now, imagine you had a brilliant idea — one that could change your life.

But the next day rolls around, and poof! It’s vanished into thin air. Sound familiar?

That’s why I’ve adopted a simple yet game-changing habit:

I write down every single idea that pops into my head and keep them all in one place.

And let me tell you, it’s been a total lifesaver!

I also take a look at them regularly, especially when I am lacking inspiration.

Trust me, trying to rely on memory alone is a recipe for chaos

Curious to learn more about this game-changing habit and other productivity tricks? I’m hosting a FREE workshop where I’ll walk you through it all, along with showcasing a special tool to make it even easier.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to supercharge your productivity and achieve your goals in 2024!

Reserve your spot now by clicking this Link.

See you there!

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