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Marvin Omokaro
Marvin Omokaro

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My Programming Journey so far ….

My Programming Journey so far: The HTML Adventure Begins!……

Hey there, fellow tech brothers and sisters! I'm excited to share my programming journey with you, and where better to start than the beginning? I've been diving into web development, and my first stop is HTML.

So far, I've learned some fantastic fundamentals that have opened my eyes to the world of web dev. Let me take you through my HTML highlights reel!

First up, I discovered how to link CSS to my HTML files. This was a game-changer! I realized how to separate my presentation from my content, making my code more organized and efficient.

Next, I dived into the world of HTML images. I learned how to add images to my web pages, making them more visually appealing. Who doesn't love a good image, right?. I used my a picture of mine when I was little as my first HTML image.

Then, I tackled table elements and styling. I learned how to create tables, add borders, and even style them with CSS. It's amazing how much of a difference a well-designed table can make!

Display properties were next on my list. I learned how to control the layout of my web pages using display types like block, inline, and none. It's incredible how much flexibility this gives me!

HTML classes and IDs were another exciting discovery. I realized how to target specific elements and apply styles or functionality to them. This has opened up a world of possibilities for me!

Iframes were another new concept I explored. I learned how to embed external content into my web pages, like videos or maps. It's amazing how much functionality this adds!

Semantic elements were a revelation! I learned how to use elements like header, footer, and nav to give my web pages meaning and structure. This has made my code more readable and accessible.

Forms, labels, and selects were next on my agenda. I learned how to create interactive forms that users can engage with. It's incredible how much power this gives me to collect user input!

Lastly, I delved into HTML input attributes. I learned how to customize my form inputs with attributes like placeholder text, required fields, and more. It's amazing how much flexibility this adds to my forms!

That's my HTML journey so far! I'm excited to continue learning and exploring the world of web development. Stay tuned for my next update, where I'll share my adventures in CSS and beyond!

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