DEV Community

Mateus Loubach
Mateus Loubach

Posted on

why you shouldn't upgrade your skills so fast..

If you've started your dev journey already, you have probably realized by now how fast this market grows.
This means everything is fairly "new" and this would cause everyone to tell you that you should be learning how to use that new software that just released because "you'd be ahead of the crowd". - this is partially true.
Although learning new things is a good way to get ahead of everyone else, you shouldn't allow this to topple your already set goals and pause everything else because "you'd be ahead". - first of all, if you're not learning what many people already know, which is that language or technology you're learning right now, you're still going to be behind.

So, focus on what you have at hand, and when you get really good at it, you're not only going to have time to work on new things, but also have better methods and an easier time working on it.

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