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Cover image for REACTJS: Cannot add property onClick, object is not extensible
Matheus Ribeiro
Matheus Ribeiro

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REACTJS: Cannot add property onClick, object is not extensible

Good morning Guys, how are you? My name is Matheus Ribeiro, I'm Brazilian and I'm starting as a programmer, using ReactJS. I would like to ask a question, because today a question has arisen in which I have yet to resolve. I am a beginner in programming and I am leading the creation of a StoryBook in ReactJs to be able to assemble components that can be consumed on a separate page. I came across a problem this morning. I created a "select" component using Divs and Labels, the component works perfectly in the StoryBook, I'm passing a state and a value in each one to be able to work with the standard html element. The problem here is that when I use Map() Childrens passing onClick on Labels to change the state (intern), when exporting the project it returns the message "Cannot add property onClick, object is not extensible". Can you give me any tips on how I can solve this problem? Thank you all for the attention.

Top comments (1)

dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

Hi Matheus. It's hard to see the problem w/o code or screenshot.

Can you post error messages or possibly runnable codes? (using or StackBlitz)