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Sometimes it's the little things

I have recently been in a rut, when it comes to programming. At my job I am currently working on some generative AI stuff (mainly an internal chat bot for my company), but I find it difficult to really get excited about what I am doing.

Generally speaking I've found it difficult to get excited about anything really in the past couple of months. That changed yesterday, however.

I have been looking for things that I could learn about, to improve my dev skills and yesterday I somewhat randomly decided to check out SQLite, after hearing about it a couple of times. I went to the official page to read what SQLite was all about.

And there it was: excitement. I don't know why, but the idea of working with a no-setup database, that is contained in a single file suddenly motivated me to build something with it and I really enjoyed having some motivation to jump into code again.

Granted, what I built was nothing ground braking. I essentially just used Python to read a csv export of all my transactions of my bank account and ingest the data into a SQLite database, so that I can run some analysis on it. But something about the simplicity and the concept of writing a data application without the need for a db setup made it a really joyful experience.

It's funny that working on chat bots that can talk like humans (something that would have been unimaginable to most just two years ago) does not excite me, but a simple tool gets me going just by offering of doing something in an easier way. So much so in fact, that I not only wanted to build something with it but also spontaneously wanted to write about it.

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