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Matt Layman
Matt Layman

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Understand Django: URLs Lead The Way

In the last article in the Understand Django series, we saw how a user's browser request goes from their browser to Django's "front door." Now it's time to look at how Django processes those requests.

An HTTP request coming from a browser includes a URL describing which resource Django should produce. Since URLs can come in many forms, we must instruct Django on the kinds of URLs that our web application can handle. This is what the URL configuration is for. In the Django documentation, the URL configuration is called a URLconf, for short.

Where is the URLconf? The URLconf is at the module path set by the ROOT_URLCONF setting in your project's settings file. If you ran the startproject command, then that setting will be named like project.urls where "project" is the name given as an argument to the command. In other words, the URLconf is placed right next to the file in project/

That explain where the file resides, but it doesn't tell us much about how it works. Let's dig in more.

URLconf In Action

Try to think of the URL configuration as a list of URL paths that Django will attempt to match from top to bottom. When Django finds a matching path, the HTTP request will route to a chunk of Python code that is associated with that path. That "chunk of Python code" is called a view which we will explore more in a bit. For the moment, trust that views know how to handle HTTP requests.

We can use an example URLconf to bring this to life.

# project/
from django.urls import path

from application import views

urlpatterns = [
    path("", views.home),
    path("about/", views.about),
    path("terms/", views.terms),
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What's here matches well with the description that I described above: a list of URL paths that Django will try to match from top to bottom. The key aspect of this list is the name urlpatterns. Django will treat the list in a urlpatterns variable as the URLconf.

The order on this list is also important. The example doesn't show any conflict between paths, but it's possible to create two different path entries that can match the same URL that a user submits. I'll show an example of how that can happen after we see another aspect of paths.

We can work through this example to see how this would work for When considering a URL in a URLconf, Django does not use the scheme (https://), the domain (, and the leading slash for matching. Everything else is what the URLconf will match against.

  • A request to will look like "about/" to the pattern matching process and match the second path. That request would route to the views.about view.
  • A request to will look like "" to the pattern matching process and match the first path. That request would route to the views.home view.

Aside: You might notice that Django URLs end with a slash character. In fact, if you attempt to reach a URL like, Django will redirect the request to the same URL with the slash appended because of the APPEND_SLASH default setting. This behavior is because of a Django design philosophy choice.

The path Before Us

If all I gave you was the example above, I wouldn't fault you if you thought "Wow, Django is dumb. Why isn't urlpatterns a dictionary like below?"

urlpatterns = {
    "": views.home,
    "about/": views.about,
    "terms/": views.terms,
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The reason is that path has more power than I initially revealed. Most of that power is in the first string parameter passed to the function. The string part of path (e.g., "about/") is called the route.

A route can be a plain string as you've seen, but it can include other special structure with a feature called converters. When you use a converter, you can extract information out of a URL that a view can use later. Consider a path like this:

    path("blog/<int:year>/<slug:slug>/", views.blog_post),
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The two converters in this path are:

  • <int:year>
  • <slug:slug>

The use of angle brackets and some reserved names cause Django to attempt extra parsing on a URL. Each converter has some expected rules to follow.

  • The int converter must match an integer.
  • The slug converter must match a slug. Slug is a bit of newspaper lingo that appears in Django because Django started as a project out a newspaper in Kansas. A slug is a string that can include characters, numbers, dashes, and underscores.

Given those converter definitions, let's compare to some URLs!

  • - MATCH!
  • - NOPE.
  • - MATCH! Uh, maybe not what we wanted though. Let's look at that soon.

Now we can revisit our ordering problem from earlier. Consider these two paths in different orders:

    path("blog/<int:year>/", views.blog_by_year),
    path("blog/2020/", views.blog_for_twenty_twenty),

# vs.

    path("blog/2020/", views.blog_for_twenty_twenty),
    path("blog/<int:year>/", views.blog_by_year),
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In the first ordering, the converter will match any integer following blog/, including That means that the first ordering will never call the blog_for_twenty_twenty view because Django matches path entries in order.

Conversely, in the second ordering, blog/2020/ will route to blog_for_twenty_twenty properly because it is matched first. That means there's a lesson to remember here:

When including path entries that match on ranges with converters, be sure to put them after the more specific entries.

An Abbreviated View Of Views

What do converters do with this extra data? That's hard to explain without touching on views. The next article will cover views in far more depth, but here's a primer.

A view is code that takes a request and returns a response. Using Python's optional type checking, here's an example that will send a Hello World response.

from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse

def some_view(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
    return HttpResponse('Hello World')
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The HttpRequest is Django's translated format of an HTTP request wrapped up in a convenient container class. Likewise, HttpResponse is what we can use so that Django will translate our response data into a properly formatted HTTP response that will be sent back to the user's browser.

Now we can look at one of the converters again.

    path("blog/<int:year>/", views.blog_by_year),
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With this converter in place in the route, what would blog_by_year look like?

# application/
from django.http import HttpResponse

def blog_by_year(request, year):
    # ... some code to handle the year
    data = 'Some data that would be set by code above'
    return HttpResponse(data)
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Django begins to reveal some nice qualities here! The converter did a bunch of tedious work for us. The year argument set by Django will already be an integer because Django did the string parsing and conversion.

If someone submits /blog/not_a_number/, Django will return a Not Found response because not_a_number can't be an integer. The benefit of this is that we don't have to put extra checking logic in blog_by_year to handle the weird case where year doesn't look like a number. That kind of feature is real time saver! It keeps your code cleaner and is makes handling more precise.

What about that other strange example that we saw earlier of /blog/0/life-in-rome/? That would match our pattern from the earlier section, but let's assume we want to match a four digit year. How can we do that? We can use regular expressions.

Regular Expressions Paths

Regular expressions are a programming feature often likened to a chainsaw: they are incredibly powerful, but you can cut off your foot if you're not careful.

Regular expressions can express complex relationships and match patterns in a very concise way. This conciseness often gives regular expressions a bad reputation of being impossible to understand. When used carefully though, they can be a great tool for a job.

One job that a regular expression (which is often abbreviated to "regex") is suited for is matching complex patterns in strings. This sounds exactly like our blog year problem! In our problem, we want to match a four digit integer only. Let's look at a solution that Django can handle and then break down what it means.

As a reminder, this solution will match some URL path like blog/2020/urls-lead-way/.

    re_path("^blog/(?P<year>[0-9]{4})/(?P<slug>[\w-]+)/$", views.blog_post),
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This crazy string behaves exactly like our earlier example except that it is more precise about only allowing four digit years. The crazy string also has a name. It is called a regex pattern. When the Django code runs, it will test URL paths against the rules that are defined in this pattern.

To see how it works, we have to know what the parts of the pattern mean. We can explain this pattern one chunk at a time.

  • The caret, ^, means "the pattern must start here." Because of the caret, a path that starts like myblog/... will not work.
  • blog/ is a literal interpretation. Those characters must match exactly.
  • The portion inside parentheses (?P<year>[0-9]{4}) is a capture group. The ?P<year> is the name to associate with the capture group and is similar to the right side of the colon in a converter like <int:year>. The name allows Django to pass on the content in an argument called year to the view. The other part of the capture group, [0-9]{4}, is what the pattern is actually matching. [0-9] is a character class which means "match any number from 0 through 9." The {4} means that it must match exactly four times. This is the specificity that re_path gives that the int converter could not!
  • The slash, /, between capture groups is another literal character to match.
  • The second capture group, (?P<slug>[\w-]+), will put whatever it matches into an argument named slug. The character class of [\w-] contains two types of characters. \w means any word character that you might have in a natural language. The other type of character is a literal dash, -, character. Finally, the plus, +, character means that the character class must match 1 or more times.
  • The last slash is also a literal character match.
  • To complete the pattern, the dollar sign, $, acts like the opposite of the caret and means "the pattern must end here." Thus, blog/2020/some-slug/another-slug/ will not match.

Congratulations! This is definitely the hardest section of this article. If you understood what we did with re_path, the rest of this should feel very comfortable. If not, please don't fret about it! If you want to know more about regular expressions, know that everything I described in the pattern is not Django specific. Instead, this is Python's built-in behavior. You can learn more about regular expressions from Python's Regular Expression HOWTO.

Knowing that this power with re_path is there may help you later on your Django journey, even if you don't need it today.

Grouping Related URLs

Up to this point, we've looked at individual routes that you can map in a URLconf. What can we do when a related group of views should share a common path? Why would we want to do this?

Let's imagine you're building an educational project. In your project, you have schools, students, and other education related concepts. You could do something like:

# project/
from django.urls import path

from schools import views as schools_views
from students import views as students_views

urlpatterns = [
    path("schools/", schools_views.index),
    path("schools/<int:school_id>/", schools_views.school_detail),
    path("students/", students_views.index),
    path("students/<int:student_id>/", students_views.student_detail),
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This approach would work fine, but it forces the root URLconf to know about all the views defined in each app, schools and students. Instead, we can use include to handle this better.

# project/
from django.urls import include

urlpatterns = [
    path("schools/", include("schools.urls"),
    path("students/", include("students.urls"),
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Then, in each application, we would have something like:

# schools/
from django.urls import path

from schools import views

urlpatterns = [
    path("", views.index),
    path("<int:school_id>/", views.school_detail),
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The use of include gives each Django app autonomy in what views it needs to define. The project can be blissfully "ignorant" of what the application is doing.

Additionally, the repetition of schools/ or students/ is removed from the first example. As Django processes a route, it will match on the first portion of the route and pass the remainder onto the URLconf that is defined in the individual app. In this way, URL configurations can form a tree where the root URLconf is where all requests start, but individual applications can handle the details as a request is routed to the proper app.

Naming URLs

We've looked at the main ways that URLs get defined with path, re_path, and include. There is another aspect to consider. How can we refer to URLs in other places in the code? Consider this (rather silly) view:

# application/
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect

def old_blog_categories(request):
    return HttpRequestRedirect("/blog/categories/")
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A redirect is when a user tries to visit a page and is sent somewhere else by the browser. There are much better ways to handle redirects than this example shows, but this view illustrates a different point. What would happen if you want to restructure the project so that blog categories moved from /blog/categories/ to /marketing/blog/categories/? In the current form, we would have to fix this view and any other view that referenced the route directly.

What a waste of time! Django gives us tools to give paths names that are independent from the explicit route. We do this with the name keyword argument to path.

# project/
from django.urls import path

from blog import views as blog_views

urlpatterns = [
        blog_views.categories, name="blog_categories"),
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This gives us blog_categories as an independent name from the route of /marketing/blog/categories/. To use that name, we need reverse as its counterpart. Our modified view looks like:

# application/
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
from django.urls import reverse

def old_blog_categories(request):
    return HttpRequestRedirect(reverse("blog_categories"))
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The job of reverse is to look up any path name and return its route equivalent. That means that:

reverse("blog_categories") == "/marketing/blog/categories/"
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At least until you want to change it again. 😁

When Names Collide

What happens if you have multiple URLs that you want to give the same name? For instance, index or detail are common names that you may want to apply. We can turn to The Zen of Python for advice.

The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters

Beautiful is better than ugly.


Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!

Namespaces might be new to you if you haven't been programming long. They are a shared space for names. Maybe that's clear, but I recall struggling with the concept when I first began to write software.

To make an analogy to something in the real world, let's use trusty buckets. Imagine you have two red balls and two blue balls. Put one color ball in one of two buckets labeled "A" and "B." If I wanted a specific blue ball, I can't say "please give me the blue ball" because that would be ambiguous. Instead, to get a specific ball, I would need to say "please give me the blue ball in bucket B." In this scenario, the bucket is the namespace.

The example that we used for schools and students can help illustrate this idea in code. Both apps had an index view to represent the root of the respective portions of the project (i.e., schools/ and students/). If we wanted to refer to those views, we'd try to pick the easiest choice of index. Unfortunately, if you pick index, then Django can't tell which one is the right view for index. The name is ambiguous.

One solution is to create your own namespace by prefixing name with something common like schools_. The trouble with that approach is that the URLconf repeats itself.

# schools/
from django.urls import path

from schools import views

urlpatterns = [
    path("", views.index, name="schools_index"),
    path("<int:school_id>/", views.school_detail, name="schools_detail"),
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Django provides an alterative that will let you keep a shorter name.

# schools/
from django.urls import path

from schools import views

app_name = "schools"
urlpatterns = [
    path("", views.index, name="index"),
    path("<int:school_id>/", views.school_detail, name="detail"),
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By adding app_name, we signal to Django that these views are in a namespace. Now when we want to get a URL, we use the namespace name and the URL name and join them with a colon.

reverse("schools:index") == "/schools/"
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This is another convenience that Django gives to makes our application development experience easier.

That brings us to a close on the subject of URLs. By now, we've seen how to:

  • Make a URL configuration by making a module with a list of urlpatterns.
  • Create URLs with path and re_path.
  • Use converters to extract information for views.
  • Use regular expressions to express more complex URL data.
  • Group related URLs together with include.
  • Refer to a URL by its name.
  • Put related names together in a namespace.

In the next article, we'll dig into views. This article only gave the briefest definition to what a view is. Django gives us very rich options when working with views. We're going to explore:

  • View functions
  • View classes
  • Some built-in supporting views
  • Decorators that supercharge views.

If you'd like to follow along with the series, please feel free to sign up for my newsletter where I announce all of my new content. If you have other questions, you can reach me online on Twitter where I am @mblayman.

This article first appeared on

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