Greetings all, I had an interesting time participating in this study.
Check it out:
Mahya Maftouni is conducting a user study to explore the role of a design element that emphasizes prosocial behavior in addition to content accuracy in Q&A communities and see if such interventions affect people of different genders.
Who can participate: You are invited to participate if
- You are 18 years old or over,
- You are a Stack Overflow member and visit Stack Overflow at least monthly,
- You have a computer with a browser installed (preferably chrome).
What will you do:
If you decide to participate, you will be asked to interact with a mock Q&A site for 15 minutes. You are not expected to post any questions, answers, or comments. After exploring the prototype, you will be given a short survey that gathers your feedback. In the end, there will be an interview.
Time commitment and compensation:
This study will take approximately one hour. As a thank you for your participation, you will receive $20 CAD (converted to requested currency) at the start of the study. Depending on your preference, it can be provided as an Amazon gift card or cash (via Paypal or e-Transfer).
I had an interesting time participating in this study.
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