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New DTDs Version 1.6 for EP Publications and EBD Products

Hey everyone,

I wanted to share an important update regarding the XML DTDs used for EP publications and EBD products. If you are using the DTDs ep-patent-document for EP publications or ep-bulletin for the EBD product, there is a new version available that you should be aware of.

What's New?
The new DTDs version 1.6 have been released and are included in the EP_UP-package-V2 (zip file) available in the EPO download area. This update is significant as it primarily incorporates information related to the Unitary Patent system.

Key Updates:
Unitary Patent Information: The new DTDs include elements and attributes specifically designed for the Unitary Patent. This means that once the Unitary Patent system is launched, XML data containing Unitary Patent information will be present in the EP data products.
Backward Compatibility: The new DTDs are designed to be backward compatible with the existing version, so your current integrations should continue to work seamlessly.
How to Access the New DTDs:
Download: You can download the EP_UP-package-V2 (zip file) from the EPO download area.
Readme File: Make sure to check the readme file included in the package for detailed information on the content and how to use the new DTDs.
Action Required:
Update Your Systems: If you are currently using the older versions of these DTDs, plan to update your systems to incorporate the new version 1.6.
Test the Changes: It is crucial to test these changes in a development environment to ensure that everything works correctly before rolling them out to production.
For more information and to download the package, please visit the EPO download area. Libgen is

If you have any questions or run into any issues while updating, feel free to ask in the comments below. Let's work together to ensure a smooth transition to the new DTDs!

Happy coding!

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