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Md: Shariar haque
Md: Shariar haque

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Dependency Injection Explained in C#

Dependency Injection (DI) in C#:

Dependency Injection is a design pattern used to achieve Inversion of Control (IoC) between classes and their dependencies. Instead of a class creating its dependencies, they are provided from outside, typically by an IoC container.

When a class (ClassA) needs to use another class (ClassB), you can inject (pass) the dependency into ClassA, rather than having ClassA create an instance of ClassB internally.


Without Dependency Injection:

public class ClassB
    public int Calculate() => 100;

public class ClassA
    private readonly ClassB _classB = new ClassB();

    public int TenPercent()
        return (int)(_classB.Calculate() * 0.1);

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        ClassA classA = new ClassA();
        Console.WriteLine("Ten Percent: " + classA.TenPercent());
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In this example, ClassA creates its own instance of ClassB, making it tightly coupled to ClassB.

With Dependency Injection:

  1. Define Interfaces:

Create an interface IClassB to abstract the dependency:

   public interface IClassB
       int Calculate();
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  1. Implement the Interface:

Implement the interface in ClassB:

   public class ClassB : IClassB
       public int Calculate() => 100;
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  1. Inject Dependencies:

Modify ClassA to accept an IClassB instance through its constructor:

   public class ClassA
       private readonly IClassB _classB;

       public ClassA(IClassB classB)
           _classB = classB;

       public int TenPercent()
           return (int)(_classB.Calculate() * 0.1);
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  1. Setup Dependency Injection:

In a real-world application, you use a DI container (like Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection) to manage dependencies:

   public class Program
       public static void Main()
           // Create a service collection and configure DI
           var serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();
           serviceCollection.AddTransient<IClassB, ClassB>();

           // Build the service provider
           var serviceProvider = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider();

           // Resolve and use the service
           var classA = serviceProvider.GetService<ClassA>();
           Console.WriteLine("Ten Percent: " + classA.TenPercent());
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  1. Loose Coupling: ClassA is not dependent on a concrete implementation of ClassB; it relies on the IClassB interface.
  2. Reusability: You can easily switch ClassB with another implementation (e.g., ClassC) without changing ClassA.
  3. Improved Testability: Mock dependencies can be injected for unit testing.
  4. Simpler Maintenance: Dependencies are managed centrally and can be easily updated or replaced.
  5. Concurrent Development: Teams can work on different components independently, as long as they adhere to the same interfaces.
  6. Better Design: Promotes separation of concerns and follows the SOLID principles.

This way, you get more flexible, maintainable, and testable code by applying Dependency Injection.

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