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What are your favourite CSS frameworks so far? πŸ’…

Meat Boy on February 19, 2022

Like in the title. What is your favourite CSS framework or stylesheet? Bootstrap? Bulma? Tailwind? Other?

fadhilradh profile image
Fadhil Radhian β€’

Tailwind for me

meatboy profile image
Meat Boy β€’

Why Tailwind? What do you like about it? :)

fadhilradh profile image
Fadhil Radhian β€’ β€’ Edited

The thing that did it for me was the simplicity to understand what's every class usage, since it is usually only for 1 CSS attribute, not multiple packed as one like Bootstrap. Therefore it give us freedom to mix & match almost every Tailwind class available.

If you want a component library and also the easy-to-customize benefit of Tailwind, you can use Tailwind UI, daisyui or You get the best of both worlds.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

This whole "utility-first" approach is really nice to work with. It doesn't need to be the thing we now use for everything, but it is definitely a step change if you're bought in.

From their home page:

An API for your design system.

Utility classes help you work within the constraints of a system instead of littering your stylesheets with arbitrary values. They make it easy to be consistent with color choices, spacing, typography, shadows, and everything else that makes up a well-engineered design system.

These ideas really do work effectively in my opinion. Tailwind is truly the first framework I've liked at all, in many ways. I see value in Bootstrap for a lot of projects, but the scalable productivity of the utility-first approach is really a big deal, IMO.

omarpervez profile image
Omar Pervez β€’

Tailwinds css has lots of components. I was using this framework on my project about 1 years. It's good.

mkamal1990 profile image
Kamal.M β€’

Bootstrap is ultimate

omarpervez profile image
Omar Pervez β€’

Yes, Bootstrap ☺️

andreseduardop profile image
andreseduardop β€’

Some advantages that I like about BS:

  • Components included.
  • Fewer Cross browser bugs
  • Supports major of all browsers and CSS compatibility fixes.
eljayadobe profile image
Eljay-Adobe β€’

So far in the conversation I've seen:

  • Tailwind
  • Bootstrap
  • Zurb Foundation
  • vanilla CSS
  • vanilla CSS kept very simple

I'm in the simple vanilla CSS camp.

A vote against OOCSS/BEM. (Not sure what that is.)

No votes for Bulma.

From lack of mention of SASS, I take it that's not popular anymore...?

cmborchert profile image
Christopher Borchert β€’

OOCSS and BEM are naming conventions for your components rather than actual frameworks.

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden β€’

Tailwind has become the most popular in my opinion. Bootstrap is pretty good too it was one of the first that I learned.

iandjx profile image
Ian de Jesus β€’


evg profile image
Evg β€’ β€’ Edited

I try not to use them. I write simple css to maintain the purity and control of the code, including for fairly large projects. I used to study almost all the novelties in this field, and learning means doing something on them. But time passed, I was tired, to be honest. I think I can afford it after more than 20 years of practice. Though... in the last project used the Bootstrap icons. :)

imagineeeinc profile image
Imagineee β€’

I love doing css by hand, where you have the power over everything, I am looking into learning scss to simplify complex css; But i am also planning on using tailwind at some point with its utility class approach, the only criticism is its long class list that will form.

I am planning on making tool where you write your tailwind classes in a css file and it will be compiled to straight css, like scss for tailwind.

ivan_jrmc profile image
Ivan Jeremic β€’

Thats already a tailwind feature you can do that today look at @apply

imagineeeinc profile image
Imagineee β€’

oh never knew that, but the fun of engineering some thing your self that's already on the market is quite fun

wrench1815 profile image
Hardeep Kumar β€’

Bootstrap, the ease and speed it provides while creating frontend is incomparable (for me atleast), though it can sometimes a bit kinda Glitchy to work wuth(custom stuff) but everything has its flaws. 2nd is Sakura css, a no class css framework, just use html and get a good layout, perfect for prototyping a idea quickly.

danwalsh profile image
Dan Walsh β€’

Loving TailwindCSS at the moment. πŸ₯°

I picked up the utility-first CSS itch with Bootstrap 4, and after reading "In Defense of Utility-First CSS" and switching to TailwindCSS, I don't think I could ever go back to OOCSS/BEM.

I really enjoy interrogating web designs and identifying repeating patterns for abstraction (whether into components or grouped classes), and TailwindCSS makes that a breeze.

I also really like that while TailwindCSS provides you with the entire kitchen sink, your production CSS is tiny as all of your unused styles are automatically purged.

louislow profile image
Louis Low β€’

Artis is a low-level and functional virtual CSS library with no CSS codes. More than 80 Utilities. Infinite Configurations. ( #virtualcss #virtualdom #javascript #cssinjs #csslibrary

Image description

simonayriss profile image
Simon Ayriss β€’ β€’ Edited

fwiw. as with anything -- depends on the requirement.
I've looked at a lot.
Once you work with them you realize more and more they are bloatware.
Tailwind takes the approach, give you everything you could possibly need upfront - then take away what you're not using.
Which is good but what if you want to reverse engineer a large project a year later and scale it. not sure. but it's good for UI or even mobile etc.
Bootstrap is seen it's day but it still has a place. Also too much. but it's a good pick up and go universal starting point. It's almost as if Bootstrap should follow the take away what you don't use approach like Tailwind.
if it's too much code for something simple then sometimes the best thing is to just write your own. or find something minimal and go from there.

omarpervez profile image
Omar Pervez β€’

Bootstrap is good for mine😊. And you?

j45t7 profile image
j45t7 β€’

Since I learned about Tailwind I want to use it in every project πŸ™ˆ

jonaspetri profile image
Jonas Petri β€’


jonaspetri profile image
Jonas Petri β€’ β€’ Edited

Definitely Tailwind for me! I really like how easy it is to make media queries, and (for me) it’s easier to work with than normal CSS since I don’t have to jump between files. (Yes, sure, you could have the CSS in your HTML in a style tag, but still, with tailwind all the properties are IN the actual element.)
EDIT: Seems like I’m not the only one with that opinion here! Most people here seem to love Tailwind.

alexisanzieu profile image
Alexis πŸ’« β€’

May depend of the frontend lib and context for me!
React => Chakra or Mui
Vuejs => ElementUI
Mobile => ionic

machy8 profile image
VladimΓ­r MachÑček β€’

Stylify ❀️

becksafarov profile image
Begzod Safarov β€’

Chakra UI is nice

amiamigo profile image
Ami Amigo β€’

I will add Amigo CSS on the list.

pavelloz profile image
PaweΕ‚ Kowalski β€’

TailwindCSS, but its not really a framework tbh. It has no components built-in, you need to add them.

swina profile image
Antonio β€’

Depends on the project. There is no an ultimate solution. Developers job is to find the right solution based on the project you are working on. This is technology.

dev_ade profile image
Adejumo Ahmad β€’

It's surely Tailwind

pontakornth profile image
Pontakorn Paesaeng β€’

Tailwind/Windi I love being able to do quick prototype and change styles easily.

neoprint3d profile image
Drew Ronsman β€’

Tailwind easy quick and simple

boooooo profile image
Hamad β€’


arshahmad profile image
Arsh Ahmad β€’

tailwind no doubt

curiousdev profile image
CuriousDev β€’

Is to use a framework in general recommended or can we just use CSS? If you have a favourite one, please explain why!

lambstream profile image
TheDarkGlobe β€’

For me it's tailwind because once you get used to the naming conventions it makes it very intuitive to design components / pages quickly.

laurentpayot profile image
Laurent Payot β€’ β€’ Edited

Beercss: Material Design in 12kB minzipped CSS, and with lots of features. Less than 7kB in my app after PurgeCSS.

jitendravyas profile image
Jitendra Vyas β€’

Atomic CSS for me. I initially hated it but later on I understood how it solves many problems we face when there are multiple developers working on a project.

inflex1337 profile image
Ethan Pusppa β€’

Tailwind get my vote simplicity at its best.

arsalannury profile image
ArsalanNury β€’

Material UI with React is good too,
but i usually like both bootstrap and tailwind

elgeneee profile image
Elgene Ee Ding Ren β€’


kushiahu profile image
Josue Tamayo β€’


gi_dev profile image
G_dev β€’

Tailwind css for me. Reasons: Fast development, good experience, small size & plenty of customization options.

Bootstrap is a close second.

ageekdev profile image
Ξ›GΣΣK β€’

If I was forced to use a CSS framework then I'll pick Tailwind. But not using any CSS frameworks is always my first choice.

kotofeyweb profile image
Kotofey.web β€’

Vianilla CSS only.

katojkalemba profile image
Kato James β€’

bootstrap is my best

devanandukalkar profile image
Devanand Ukalkar β€’

Bootstrap anytime....

bensengilbert profile image
Bensen β€’

Tailwind for me

innocentperos profile image
innocentperos β€’

tailwindcss is my weapon of choice ;)

henningsummer profile image
Henning Summer β€’ β€’ Edited

Materialize, bootstrap and bulma are simples! But, Tailwind is more flexible.

onixhoque profile image
Onix Hoque β€’

Someone please mention Semantic UI!!

stevetenas profile image

Tailwind CSS

sbegh profile image
sbeghen-laurent β€’

Hi, i use Zurb Foundation 6, Bootstrap 4/5 most offen.