If the "skills" section on your resume said every tech you have ever worked on, how would it look?
Mine would look a little like this (3 years in college)
- Java
- C/C++
- Lua
- Awt Java
- SDL2
- Expo
- React
- React native
- vuejs
- Angular
- Firebase
- Mongodb
- Mariadb
- Redis
- Javascript
- Node
- python
- typescript
- prolog
- ruby
Top comments (5)
bff, i guess I don't remember them all
*sql server
*ASP Classic
*git ci/cd
*shell script
*Mustard UI
and a weird mix of wysiwyg with code software platform for coding robots that i don't remember its name.
Also hardware and nets... routers and local network configuration, build computers, repair laptops, desktops, tablets and phones, making basic configurations on servers for companies and so...
daaaamn hahahaha that's awesome is quite a list
Well i began with html 14 years ago, then css... and professionally with programming languages since almost 11 years ago so... I had some time for it 😂
You mean you've never had to fix anyone's printer?
Hahahaha you know actually just mine hahaha