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MERN Practical Explanation
MERN Practical Explanation

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useEffect Practicle

Certainly! I've added more detailed comments to help explain each section of the useEffect function:

useEffect(() => {
  // Check if both selectedDateTo and selectedDateFrom are not empty
  if (selectedDateTo !== "" && selectedDateFrom !== "") {
    // Check if selectedDateTo is less than selectedDateFrom
    if (selectedDateTo < selectedDateFrom) {
      // Display a warning toast if the condition is true
      toast.warning("To Date should be equal to or greater than From Date", {
        position: toast.POSITION.TOP_RIGHT,
      // Return early to prevent further execution

  // Check if All Status is selected and no date range is specified
  if (
    activeBusinessStatus === "All Status" &&
    !selectedDateFrom &&
  ) {
    // If true, set the business list data to the original tempData
  } else {
    // Initialize filteredData with the original tempData
    let filteredData = tempData;

    // Check if a specific business status is selected
    if (activeBusinessStatus !== "" && activeBusinessStatus !== "All Status") {
      // Filter the data based on the selected status
      filteredData = filteredData.filter(
        (el) => el?.status === activeBusinessStatus

    // Check if a date range is specified
    if (selectedDateFrom && selectedDateTo) {
      // Output filteredData to the console for debugging
      console.log(filteredData, "filteredData fetch admin");

      // Filter the data based on the specified date range
      filteredData = filteredData.filter((el) => {
        const date = new Date(el.created_at);
        return date >= selectedDateFrom && date <= selectedDateTo;

    // Set the filtered data to the component state
}, [activeBusinessStatus, selectedDateFrom, selectedDateTo]);
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

These comments provide a detailed explanation of each block and condition within the useEffect function.

Certainly! Let's break down the key concepts in simpler terms:

  1. useEffect:

    • In simple terms, useEffect is a hook in React that allows you to perform side effects in your functional components.
    • Side effects are operations or tasks that happen after the component renders, like data fetching, updating the DOM, or interacting with external services.
  2. filter:

    • The filter method is a way to sift through a collection of items (like an array) and pick out only the items that meet a certain condition.
    • In your code, filter is used to select specific items from the tempData array based on conditions related to business status and date.
  3. Date:

    • The Date object in JavaScript is used to work with dates and times.
    • In your code, the Date object is used to convert the created_at property of each business item into a date object. This allows you to compare these dates and filter items based on a date range.
  4. [activeBusinessStatus, selectedDateFrom, selectedDateTo]:

    • This is the dependency array for the useEffect. It tells React to re-run the useEffect whenever any of these values (activeBusinessStatus, selectedDateFrom, selectedDateTo) change.
    • In your code, it ensures that the filtering logic is applied whenever there's a change in the business status or the selected date range. It helps keep your component in sync with the latest data.

In simpler terms, the useEffect with filter and Date is like a smart assistant that keeps an eye on changes in business status and selected dates. Whenever there's a change, it sifts through the business data and updates what you see on the screen accordingly. The dependency array is like a notification system that says, "Hey, pay attention to these specific things, and when they change, do your job!"

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