Setup Environment
- 1. Download Go SDK
- 2. Now Code Editor
- 3. Hit below command to check SDK installed or not
- π° We also use an online editor
go version
π Great! Our Environment Ready. Let's begin.
π° Create a Frist Application
Create a workspace directory and then create workspace/hello.go
file, with including below code blocks,
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
fmt.Println("Hello! From Go");
Note: Here, the main() method is the starting point of the application, So remember it main package is only imported where we want to start your application
Now Run your first go code. using below commands, open terminal then
go hello.go
β Successfully we can run your go application. Let's go deeper.
π° Let's learn Go Basic types
- Strings
- Numbers
- Arrays [Arrays have a fixed size.]
- Slices [Slices have a dynamic size, unlike arrays.]
- Type conversions
- Pointers
Play with Go Different Types:-
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
// Variable declaration
var msg1 string
msg1 = "Hello"
// Short form of above
msg2 := "Hello"
// multiline text
message_str := `Multiline
// Define Constants
const PI = 1.618
// Number
int_num := 34 // int
float_num := 34.0 // float64
byte_num := byte('a') // byte or uint8
// Other types
var u unsigned_int = 3 // uint (unsigned)
var p float32 = 34.0 // 32-bit float
// array = arrays are fixed in size
var numbers [5]int
int_numbers := [...]int{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
// slice are dynamic array = size are dynamic
slice1 := []int{2, 3, 4}
slice2 := []string{'ABC', 'BCD', 'DEF'}
slice2 := []byte("Hello")
// type conversions
int_type := 2
float_type := float64(int_type)
unsigned_int_type := uint(int_type)
Let's do a little bit deeper, explore pointers and functions
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
b := *getPointerRefFunc(2)
fmt.Println("Value is", b)
v1, v2 := sampleFunc(4,3)
fmt.Println("Values are: ", v1, v2)
func getPointerRefFunc(arg int) (return_type *int) {
a := arg + 3
return &a
func sampleFunc(arg1, arg2 int) (int, string) {
return arg1 , "Hello";
π°Uhoo! We are doing much. Okay, let's look up something Interesting.
Guys. The pointer is a most important concept in GO, So it's enough fo that time being.
π° Flow control or Conditional Statment
// if & else statements
if fruit == "apple" || fruit == "orange" {
//.. do something
} else if fruit == "mango" && fruit == "cherry" {
//... do something
} else {
//...happens when none of them are matches
// switch statements
switch day {
case "apple":
//.. do something
case "mango":
//.. do something
//...happens when none of them are matches
π° Loop & Looping In Go
// just looping
for count := 0; count <= 10; count++ {
fmt.Println("My counter is at", count)
// looping over array
items := []string{"abc","def","ghi"}
for i, val := range items {
fmt.Printf("At position %d, the character %s is present\n", i, val)
π° Let's talking about Functions
- Lambdas
- Multiple return types
- Named return values
func main() {
// lambdas
myfunc := func() bool {
return "Hello! From Lambdas"
a, b := getMessage()
a, b := getValue(2, 3)
//Multiple return types
func getMessage() (a string, b string) {
return "Hello", "World"
// Named return values
func getValue(p int) (a, b int) {
a = p + 2
b = p - a
return a, b
π° Packages In Go
The packaging concept is quite smart in go language and it's pretty similar to python. It's just an awesome and important concept in Go.
// import single
import "fmt"
import "math/rand"
// multiple imports in a single block
import (
"fmt" // gives fmt.Println
"math/rand" // gives rand.Intn
// we can create custom aliases like below
import custom_name "math/rand"
func main() {
fmt.Println("My favorite number is", custom_name.Intn(10))
// Exporting so that we can import that from another package,
func Hello () {
fmt.Println("I'm From Hello Function!")
Note: The package name should be the small case and with an underscore no space. Exported names begin with capital letters. Every package file has to start with the package.
π° Concurrency In Go
Goroutines have faster startup time than threads. Goroutines makes use of channels, a built-in way used to safely communicate between themselves.
package main
import "fmt"
func added(ch chan string, name string) {
msg := "Hello: " + name + " | "
ch <- msg
func main() {
ch := make(chan string) // "channel"
// start concurrent routines
go added(ch, "Moe")
go added(ch, "Larry")
go added(ch, "Curly", )
// order isn't guaranteed)
fmt.Println( <-ch, <-ch, <-ch )
close(ch) // Closing channels
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
ch := make(chan string, 2)
ch <- "ABC"
ch <- "BCD"
fmt.Println( <-ch )
fmt.Println( <-ch )
close(ch) // Closing channels
π° Structs In Go
package main
import "fmt"
type Person struct {
name string
address string
func main() {
person := Person{"Mr. ABC", "Dhaka, Bangladesh"}
fmt.Println(person) = "Sadhan"
package main
import "fmt"
type Employee struct {
firstName, lastName string
salary int
healthy bool
func main() {
employee := Employee {
firstName: "ABC",
lastName: "Sarker",
salary: 1200,
healthy: true,
π° Interface in Go
package main
import "fmt"
type I interface {
type Human struct{}
func (Human) Greeting() {
fmt.Println("Hello, from Golang")
func f1(i I) {
func main() {
h1 := Human{}
var h2 Human
π° Why Go?
- No classes, divided into packages. Go has only structs & interface
- No Exceptions, No generics, No annotations, No constructors
- No support for inheritance.
- We can do Functional programming.
- No superclass to look out for.
π Congratulations!. & Thank You!
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