TailwindCSS v4 Beta is shaping up to be an exciting update, but as always, there are things I absolutely love and a few that... well, annoy me. Here's my take:
✅ What I Love:
Hover states are disabled on touch screens by default. 🙌 This is such a thoughtful move! It eliminates unnecessary hover effects where they don’t make sense, creating a cleaner, more intentional user experience on mobile devices.
❌ What I Hate:
In v4 Beta, buttons now have the default CSS cursor (cursor: default) instead of Tailwind's previous cursor-pointer. This means I have to explicitly add cursor-pointer every time I want my buttons to behave intuitively—like clickable elements. 😤 It's not a huge deal, but it adds an extra step that didn’t exist before.
What’s your take on this change? Do you love it, hate it, or don’t care? Let’s hear your thoughts! 👇
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