I recently rediscovered the post "Generate Cover Image For Your Dev Posts Easily" by @pjijin :

Generate Cover Image For Your Dev Posts Easily
Jijin P π¨βπ»π¦ γ» Aug 14 '19
You can find the full app here on GitHub or use it right here... and it reminded that there are quite a few folks out there creating cool plugins and/or accompanying apps to DEV.
Got any favorites?
Top comments (9)
Got a new one!!
Thanks to @karvounis we now have the ability to use Terraform in combo with the DEV API!
Check it out:
Introducing a Terraform provider for Forem
karvounis γ» Apr 14 γ» 3 min read
Terraform provider for Forem
Terraform provider for Forem
This is the Terraform provider for Forem, the platform that powers dev.to.
If you like my work, please consider supporting it!
Released under MIT by @karvounis.
I remember really digging PublishTo.Dev (created by @toddanglin) which allowed folks to schedule posts out to a specific time on DEV.
PublishTo.Dev: Scheduling article publishing on dev.to
Todd Anglin γ» Jul 30 '19 γ» 5 min read
Hey Micheal! I just made a great companion Web App to DEV. It helps you visualize your growth of your blogs (Reactions and Comments). I have also integrated area chart and bar chart for visualization. Do check it out : dev-dash
Hey Shreyas!
Thanks so much for getting in touch here!
Wow, this looks like an excellent app and seriously helpful.
I like this, the visualisations are cool! Nice work.
Thank you so much Andy!
I just discovered a new(ish?) Chrome plugin that adds a couple of keyboard shortcuts to the editor to switch between edit and preview.
New one here -> dev.to/codewithsnowbit/introducing...
Wow bookmarking the post to come check back later.
Goos stuff!